Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I feel ashamed. Only 101 flags. I knew some of those I missed, and spent a bit too much time guessing on those where I had no idea, but still - 101 is crap.
There was a weird error today in the public transport of Tallinn. Every bus/tram etc had extra digits, resulting in this:


666, the number of the beast! :rocker: (it should've actually been just 6).
IRON MAIDEN is one of the most demonic Rock 'N' Roll bands ever. In 1999 they produced an album titled, 666: The Number of the Beast. America has been utterly destroyed spiritually because of naive parents who saw no harm in allowing their children's minds to become saturated with the filth and demonic rot of Rock 'N' Roll music.
The entire Rock, Heavy Metal, Rap, Country, Pop and even Contemporary Christian Music industries are owned and operated by occultists. This is plainly evidenced by their allegiance to Satan. This is why we hear Dolly Parton, a professed “Christian,” singing Led Zeppelin on her album. This is why we see many occult symbols on P.O.D.'s album covers, not to mention their blasphemy against Jesus Christ.

This is why Country Music Television and Walt Disney are saturated with homewrecking sexual smut and filth. This is why you've got teen idols like Madonna, a sicko who not only blasphemes Jesus Christ in her filthy book, SEX, but also portrays herself as receiving oral sex from a dog. It's all part of the Communist subversion of America. The Beast is coming and the sicko world is welcoming him!

Souce: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Wicca & Witchcraft/666.htm
Of course. It's always the Communists.

Oh, and did you notice that there is one heavy metal band that gets some praise for speaking the truth? You guessed right - Megadeth. The album cover from Endgame is right down the alley of the guy behind the website.

What I find rather hilarous is that a fair share of the fundamentalist groups you see on the Web are obsessed with one particular version of the Bible - the 1611 King James version. It seems all later versions, and all previous ones, are inferior to this one. Fascinating.
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Ian Watkins, singer of Welsh rock band Lostprophets, has pleaded guilty to a series of "depraved" child sex offences including attempted rape of a baby.: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25108439


Words cannot begin to describe the amount of anger and disgust I feel for men like him as well as the amount of sadness I feel for those children!!! If I had my way, people like him would be sent to a specialized prison where they would be severely tortured every day for the rest of their lives!!!
Words cannot begin to describe the amount of anger and disgust I feel for men like him as well as the amount of sadness I feel for those children!!! If I had my way, people like him would be sent to a specialized prison where they would be severely tortured every day for the rest of their lives!!!
It's a good thing you don't have your way.