Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Add to that, there are plenty of people in the overweight category that are in better shape than those that are not. I know a few people at work who are thin, but they eat crap all the time and smoke like chimneys.

Obviously people who are way overweight have a problem, but the main question is more health than weight ... weight can be a component of overall health, but not the determinite
BMI alone is obviously useless, because it does not separate between muscle and fat. A guy who is 180 cm tall and weighs 90 kg can be fat, or he can be fit. Norwegian alpine skier Aksel Lund Svindal, a champion, is 189 cm tall and weighs 100 kg. A big guy, but definitely not fat or overweight.

Oh, and you beat me to it with more posts. :blush:
Where it is problematic is that policy decisions (and in some case insurance rates) are based off of this scale
Really? That's rubbish.

Yeah... the more recent policy case was the NY soda ban, where the city banned soda's over a certain size to be sold. They used these numbers as justification.

A US insurance trend is an annual wellness exam (not a full physical, though you can do both) .. at first I thought this was a good idea. The insurance company would (for free) draw blood to check cholesterol, some cancer screening, check your blood pressure, and BMI. Many companies set up days where you could do this in the office .. and for doing it, you would get compensation (usually a $50 gift card or something like that) and when you got your results, you would see something like "Your Blood Pressure is high, here are things you can do to lower it", etc.

Then it moved to take the exam and you will get a better insurance rate than those who do not .. and a gift card.

Now it is, take the exam, and if you do better than what you did last year for anything out of range (like BMI or cholesterol for example) you get a better rate .. but if you do not improve from the year before, your rate will not be as favorable .. still get a gift card for playing thought :)

BMI being one of those measurements really bothers me .. I am fine with the others.
Yes, it shouldn't be there. A guy who loses 4 kilos of fat and gains 5 kilos of muscle would of course have a better health, but would come out worse in terms of BMI. And such a change can easily be done in a year.
Yeah, there is that ... or one component of all this is smoking. Someone can quit smoking and gain some weight and be deemed in worse health on BMI and not better for smoking because that only counts (for insurance rates) if you have quit for 12 months.

It is odd .. the original thought to let people who do not regularly go to the doctor see their basic health numbers was a good idea ... but everything beyond that is BS ... but I am doing mine this year in a few weeks, because doing it saves me about $375 a year .. which is about what I spent on Maiden tickets this year :)
It's all the gmo's in our food here in the states is what makes people fat. A lot of European countries have banned them so that's why the French can eat bread all day and not gain weight they've banned gmo's.
These kids have the 2nd best parents ever. If that said Maiden instead, then they would have the 1st best. :P
Sooooo .. it looks more and more likely that Zimmerman will get off ... countdown to looting and riots is on.

Yeah. The sad part is that while I think he probably murdered Treyvon in cold blood (and I really, really do think that) there just isn't enough evidence to prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he did.

I certainly hope there will be protests. I hope there will be no riots and looting.
I think he probably murdered Treyvon in cold blood (and I really, really do think that)

I haven't been following the trial, but my dad has, and he thinks it's not even close: not guilty, and shameful that there was even a trial. He said there was eyewitness testimony of Treyvon beating the shit out of Zimmerman. That said, I've got my gray hoodie ready.
Yeah, from what I understand the prosecution's witness gave that statement, though I don't follow trials closely as a matter of course (because I think it's BS that trials are publicized to that extent). Like I said, I still think it's murder, but I don't think you could ever prove it.
It's all the gmo's in our food here in the states is what makes people fat. A lot of European countries have banned them so that's why the French can eat bread all day and not gain weight they've banned gmo's.

And of course you have rock solid evidence that
  • eating food made from genetically modified crops makes you fatter than eating the same type of food made from the non-gmo equivalent
  • the French eat bread all day? (I have not spent much time in France, so for all I know this one might be correct :p)