Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Two whales are swimming in the ocean, minding their own business, when they come across a ship. The first whale recognises it and says to his friend, "hey look! That's the whaling ship that killed my brother last week! Let's get them!"
So they swim right underneath the vessel and blow air from their blowholes with such pressure that the ship breaks in two parts, throwing the crew in the water. The first whale smiles dastardly and says, "Now we've got 'em where we want 'em. Come on, let's eat them!"
The second whale replies,
No way, mate. I did the blow job, but I'm not swallowing the seamen!
Sucks, doesn't it? It's even worse when I start thinking: 1) Should I wait for the "wanted" person to call back or something or 2) should I pick someone "not so wanted" to spend time with?
Option 2. They may turn out to be option 1 in a while. ;)

It's just that I usually get to spent time with the same limited amount of people. Then I begin to miss people I used to hang out with before but can't reach now. It's not that bad or anything, just results in below average moods sometimes.
Randomly, I'm hearing "....when I go walking, I strut my stuff.... and I'm so strung out...." and I'm all "hey, iTunes shuffled me some Violent Femmes!!"

Then, I'm hearing Cult, Fire Woman and I'm all, "Hey! iTunes is really trying to get on my good side today!"

I love hearing some awesome stuff from days past!

What is up next????
Mrs. Robbinson followed by Maddest Hatter?

I declare an afternoon of epicness.

However, i declare the entire forum on notice that I've posted 3 times in a row.