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Re: The Last Word

Adrian Smith is the special ingredient your mom puts into her baking to make it taste so good.
Re: The Last Word

The technology used in high definition plasma TVs is based upon what happens in the human eyeball when a person gets a good look at Adrian Smith.
Re: The Last Word

Adrian Smith records his riffs by burning his notes into cds with his eye-lasers.
Re: The Last Word

SinisterMinisterX said:
The technology used in high definition plasma TVs is based upon what happens in the human eyeball when a person gets a good look at Adrian Smith.

Wrong.  It's based on what would happen to the human eyeball...if Adrian Smith's mere presence did not cause their eyes to vaporise.
Re: The Last Word

Adrian Smith punishes those who contradict his High Priests with music of such divine beauty that your head explodes.
Once, upon the Midnight Strangler's wife ran a giant hamster.  Horrified by...
Once, upon the Midnight Strangler's wife ran a giant hamster named Bert...
Yax, the idea is to add words on to the previous post, not to do it your own way.  Try again.

(Bloody heretics ::))