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Well, for me February, March and April involved lots of overtime. Thing is, Ascension Day (today) is a public holiday in Norway, so I will take Friday off to make it a long weekend.
Random thoughts:

As a parent, I found this article fascinating:

Based on the trailer, I had a feeling the movie adaptation of The Great Gatsby (one of my favorite books) was going to suck, and based on the early reviews, it evidently does. Too bad.

I'm trying to convince myself that it is a bad idea to trade in my perfectly nice 5-year-old car and buy a Tesla Model S. Those things are gorgeous. And eco-friendly. But too damn expensive.
Mine definitely hurt. But on the other hand, this was so... seriously, it's a ten year old kid fancying himself a movie reviewer, and telling us what he grew up with!
I'm glad to know these are all great movies and come with the discs. I wonder if he ever got that seven dollar Jaws from his local Walmart.