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And the spring of volleyball dad-dom finally winds down.
It will be nice to have a weekend at home again.
Just played little Quake 3 before with bots. Now I remember why it was so much fun! Just get the smallest map with the max number of bots and watch the fireworks begin!
Yeah, so I'm listening to Carress of Steel for the first time today. Pretty good so far.
Update: If any album can make me do air bass it's a-OK in my book.
I'm not a huge fan, but a couple of my friends absolutely worship it. Hope you like it.
I Think I'm Going Bald was pretty bad. But I loved the Necromancer, Bastille Day, and Lakeside Park. Fountain could have been about 9 minutes shorter, the song reaches its climax about 4 minutes in so you know it kinda drags.
Yea, the first side is awesome. Bastille Day is still one of their best openers. I can put up with Going Bald when listening to the entire album, but I never listen to it by itself. Really it's the second side that puts me off. It really drags on, you can tell they were taking all kinds of weird drugs when they wrote that. :p The worst part is that the only section of the song I like is a total Genesis ripoff, so when I want to hear that part I'll just listen to the Genesis song.
Fix that. The song that Fountain blatantly rips off, the spectacular Watcher of the Skies:

Also, I bet you've heard more stuff on the radio, you probably just didn't realize it was Genesis. They get played all the time.
I just came back from IM3, and I really liked it. No spoilers from me, but I thought it had a great balance between action and character development.