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The largest part of my yard is mowed. I'm eating a quick lunch, then back out to finish the easy front part.
2 to 3 hours? Wow! You must have a big yard then. Fortunately for us, our yard is pretty small and split up in sort of 4 sections: 2 backyard squares and 2 long sections on either side of our house that lead to the front so usually the husband and I both mow. He'll do 2 sections and I'll do 2 sections. If I'm at work during the week and he's home, he'll sometimes do all of the mowing and vice versa for me.
It's about half an acre, but the back side, the bigger part, all slopes down to a creek. There is also a pretty good sized hill bank that the grass grows really thick on.
Lucky you! :p I miss the days when I didn't have to worry about yard work.

I think I would enjoy doing yard work sometimes actually. But that's the thing... sometimes ;) If you have a yard you're kinda bound up on it and you have to keep it if you don't want it to just grow wild I guess :D
Wow, sounds like a great place to live in.

Thanks, it really is nice! I work about 50 min away from home, and everyone I work with tries to get me to move up there... but I wouldn't be able to get a place like this up there for the same price, so I stay here and drive! It's worth it.
Dammit! I really should have known better than to do my jean + various other clothing items load of wash with a pair of red shorts I just got over the weekend. Can you guess what happened? This load of wash also included my Rock Hall of Fame shirt I got in Cleveland which was white....
Dammit! I really should have known better than to do my jean + various other clothing items load of wash with a pair of red shorts I just got over the weekend. Can you guess what happened? This load of wash also included my Rock Hall of Fame shirt I got in Cleveland which was white....

So what? Now you have a unique pink Rock Hall of Fame shirt. :D
See, that's what I though too! :D I'm not a big fan of pink but I'll make the best of it. As for my jeans....they're all still pink tinted. <_<