Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten has an article today about a fencing show match between Bartosz Piasecki (Olympic silver medalist born in Norway from Polish parents) and a certain heavy metal singer. It was done for fun as Bruce was in Norway for other reasons these days. However, the article has a bad flaw:

It briefly mentions a little about the history of the band, and towards the end of that paragraph we can read the following: "Fair (sic) of the dark in 1992 became the breakthrough" :confused: What to say? I feel like writing them an indignant letter. On paper.
Tremendously enjoying the new apartment (moved in yesterday, going to get the rest of the stuff tomorrow). :)
It looks like flies around shit. Here are bees around honey:

It's always very interesting going back and reading your drunk posts from the night before once your sober. I haven't been that drunk in quite some time. :blink: