Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I wish you good luck with that!

Mean while...

Two prawns named Fletcher and Christian are living in the ocean. They live a pretty basic prawn life, but suffer from occasional shark attacks. So one day, this shark comes and attacks the prawn colony, and Fletcher and Christian escape and swim for many a nautic mile, until they meet this old, magic cod. The cod says, "You prawns have suffered very much. To help you with your ordeal, I will grant you one wish." So Fletcher and Christian discuss what would help them the most, and Fletcher eventually says, "Oh wise Cod, to end these shark attacks and protect my colony, I wish to become a shark myself!" The cod grants his wish, and Fletcher turns into this huge, ferocious great white shark. They return to the colony, but Christian is so afraid of his friends' new body that he swims away and hides in a shell. Fletcher says, "what's wrong? Why are you hiding from me, old friend?" "You're a shark!" "But that's just my outward appearance! Inside, I'm the same old prawn you used to know!" "You say that now, but what if your instincts overwhelm you? You might get hungry for prawns, and SNAP, I'm your first victim! I'm not coming out, never again!" So Fletcher is sad and swims away from the colony. He drifts aimlessly for a while, not knowing where to go after his best friend abandoned him. After many days of that, he eventually comes across the old cod again. The cod says, "What's wrong, Fletcher? You seem so sad." Fletcher replies, "My best friend abandoned me, and the entire prawn colony is afraid of me. I'm so lonely." He muses for a while, and then says, "can you turn me into a prawn again?" The cod complies. So Fletcher is all happy and after getting directions, he returns to the colony and gets over to the shell where Christian is hiding. He shouts, "Christian, come out!" Christian says, "no, that's a trick! Once I'm out, you'll eat me right away and I'm but shark fodder!" And Fletcher says,

"You don't understand! I've seen Cod! I'm a prawn again Christian!"
Gee, thanks. I wish it was afternoon already. I would have probably done my work, the stress is on probably.