Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Damn you, technology, I keep getting logged out **shakes fist**
Oh well, I'm going offline anyway, I've got stuff to do today :D
It's been vewwy, vewwwy quiet in here....

Finally, it feels kinda like a spring day. Its going to be mid 50's. I'm going running, then replacing the rear brakes on my car, then cleaning up the pad, then, if all goes well, off to see a band at a bar. Only drag is that ALL of my friends are out of town this weekend...
I bought two identical bottles of fizzy pop, and dropped one in the supermarket. The bottle is made of plastic, so it bounced a little. Now I've got those two bottles here, and it's a bit like Russian Roulette.
Does tapping on the lid really work? I remember people saying if your tapped on the top of a can of soda before opening made it not fizz up.
A buddy of mine used to talk about a game called "beer hunter". you get a cooler of beer, shake up one can really well, then everyone reaches in to the cooler, holds the can to their head and opens it. Looser gets a face full of foam.
Had a bad stomach ache on Wednesday that started out of nowhere. Went to the school doctor, she told me I should visit a hospital, so I did. Turned out I had appendicitis, so they performed a surgery the same evening. Still here, I really hope I'll get out tomorrow because I feel a lot better already and want to live normally again :P.

Has anything spectacular happened in the forum/thread? Surely something has.
Whoa! That must have been sudden for you, Saap. I'm glad you're feeling better.
We're very close to 50,000. If we give it a push, we might get there today.
Whoa!! Dude, glad you are ok!! That happened to my son on New Years day 2012. Glad they caught it!

Yeah, I'm fine and also, I guess, a bit lucky because I got to know about the pain in its early stage. It would've been quite different if the blind gut had exploded (or however the term is in English). Of course, 1-2 days after the surgery were the most difficult ones: constant stomach aches, couldn't stand up etc. Today, the only things that remain are getting tired quickly while standing up and a minor stomach ache (much inferior to what it was at first). Today, I can also eat normally again, previously I only got yoghurt and really liquid porridge and soup. I weighed little before already, so now I'm pretty much a skeleton.

Thanks for everyone's kind words.
Does tapping on the lid really work? I remember people saying if your tapped on the top of a can of soda before opening made it not fizz up.

It does for cans. My grandmother used to do it, and I kept it as a habit despite never being convinced that it works. The other day, I opened a can without tapping it for some reason, and it did fizz a little. It's not exactly empirical, but I noticed at that point that I never have cans fizz up when I tap them.

Had a bad stomach ache on Wednesday that started out of nowhere. Went to the school doctor, she told me I should visit a hospital, so I did. Turned out I had appendicitis, so they performed a surgery the same evening. Still here, I really hope I'll get out tomorrow because I feel a lot better already and want to live normally again :p.

So I plan to listen to some bands that I haven't heard much from soon, can you guys think of any more I should check out?

Dio, UFO, Yes, GWAR, Riot, AC/DC, Opeth, Queen, Burzum, Primus, Anthrax, Exciter, Blackfoot, Testament, Candlemass, Annihilator, Rhapsody of Fire, Blind Guardian, Black Sabbath, Dream Theater, Running Wild, Amon Amarth, Iced Earth, Pink Floyd, Symphony X, Pearl Jam

You go listen to Sabbath right meow. Don't listen to GWAR.
My parents' pet rabbit. I love him, he's so affectionate and adorable (save for when he tries to mate with people's feet...). Click the pictures for upscale.

Your parents have a pet rabbit. That is so awesome. Did they get him when you moved out of the house? :p
I was actually pretty surprised. As I said, my grandmother used to do it, and I adopted it as a habit from her. I always thought it was superstition, but I kept it nevertheless, because it' one way to keep the memory of a loved one alive... but now I actually think she was right.