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Quite drunk, Last night here at the uni before I move back to my hometown for internship at the local radio station (sound tech/engineer). Kinda sad. No, really sad (Was melancholic for two days after I started to pack my things). I will remember these three years with joy and will cherish all the bonds of friendship I have formed here. Plan to stay in touch with at least the guys/girls in the Stockholm area, which is about an hour from where I plan to base myself.
my sense of time is all out of whack. I can't believe it's almost 9.

I guess that's what no school does to ya :D
Ha! Yep! Only 10:28pm here. :D
Right, by the time it hits 10:30 out here I'll be thinking about perhaps making some dinner. :P

It's definitely been keeping me up late at night though. Whether or not that is a good thing is yet to be seen