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Curious question for everyone here really, how much Maiden stuff do you have visible around your house. Posters? Figures?Whole collections? etc

Me. Nothing. But I'm also not much of a collector. My Maiden CD collection is in shoe boxes and what I got of other merchandise like pins, patches and flags that I can't make myself part with is kept in a bag :D

Edit: Oh! Actually I've got three Maiden books on one of my bookshelves that are visible :)
I still keep all of my old Maiden posters in poster tubes. Haven't had them out in YEARS now. I suspect that they are in very bad shape because I put them up and took them down a million times when I was a kid and lived at home. Had my room plastered in Maiden when I was 12-14. Walls full of posters, ceiling full of flags :D
Let's see. Visible at least I have 3 flags (Brave New World, Virus, and Death on the Road) and one poster on the door (The Number of the Beast). Death on the Road was my first flag, I got it 5 years ago and it has since always hung above my bed in pride of place. I don't have many CD's with me but I do have a fair few DVD's on a bookshelf. I've wanted a mug for ages now and I just bought one actually since I discovered a discount voucher. Oh, and I have a pair of Trooper shoes. I used to have a pair of Killers ones too but they fell apart.

Very 80s I have to say! I'm tempted.
Yep! I have the high-tops...the Killers one's I had were low-tops. I found them in a Vans store in Boston when I first came to the States and went nuts and bought both at the same time. Oh, the follies of youth. :D

Way cool! The high-tops are definitely cooler (in my opinion) and they add that 80s flavor to it and it fits well with the 80's Maiden artwork. Cool you actually bought them "ova there" too :)