Saw Maiden there in 08 and it was jam packed! The group of friends I was with and I couldn't move an inch and we still hadn't passed the first beer and food stands...I haven't been there for a few years now but if they want to Metallica to play there I hope they free up some more space in front of the stage and to the sides...
They also had a stage in a separate area to the right of the black/true metal stage but you had to go through a real bottleneck of people to get in there...It was like a gate or something? Definitely not big enough for the crowd movement when there was a band change.
Yeah, the Party Stage. They got rid of that bottleneck and had the back of it all open in subsequent festivals. I understand all the complaints about the entrances, but really, you have to find your strategies around it. One of them is go see other bands earlier, and have a few beers in the festival area.
Bah, it's annoying to not being able on settling on the sound I want for my record - or rather, the degree of scooped mids. Decisions, decisions. I think I'm going to walk past the uni tomorrow and get a second opinion from one of the audio production teachers. Scoop 500 hz a slight bit further or leave it as it is? I mean I like the modern scooped sound, like Andy Sneap, but I'm afraid I'll overdo it, because it isn't Blaze Bayley music or Thrash metal I'm working on.
The album is sounding pretty strong, sonically anyway and I'll be mighty proud once it's finished. Although I'll surely look back at it in hindsight in a few years and want to change this or that.
Edit: Shout out for local band. The lead guitarist went to my audio production class for two years (he also produced the album). He's an excellent guitarist - Actually,beyond excellent. And the record sounds kickass too. Rhinestone – Fire in the Hole Spotify link.
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