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When a dog attacks a person, I still blame its owner mostly and not the animal.

Definitely. I don't think that within the mind of a dog and a goose, there is much of a difference. Both are instinctively protecting their homes, breed, owners and whatnot -and by extension themselves- from a perceived threat. The thing just is that with a dog, it sometimes feels as if he had something personal against you, while a goose probably wouldn't even recognise you two minutes later.
I have very deep memories. My first dream that I can remember was about or before the age of 3. Confirmed by the period that my parents & I lived in that apartment. It was a nightmare with a snake. Terrible nightmare, that made me scared of snakes in the point of obsession for the next couple of years.

And then something happened. That was at worst before the 2nd grade, but most probably before I even go to school. I was returning back home when I saw a viper outside my door. A small one, about a meter long, but a viper nevertheless. At this moment I knew that I MUST kill it. It was the nightmare.

So I take a piece of bamboo and press it on its neck. And I put my head very close to its head and look it in the eyes.

Since then my obsession with snakes disappeared. I still respect them though. And I still remember this regard. And I'm feeling strange about that snake. Something like gratitude or a karma thing.
Good morning!

Once again, a little late to the conversation but thinking about it, I really don't have a fear or phobia of any sort of animal and I've never had a bad experience that would cause me to dislike anything. I'm not fond of snakes but I'm not deathly afraid of them. I'm allergic to cats but I still like them and I like dogs too. Maybe if I had to say I dislike anything, it might be some insects like bees and you know, the harmful kinds. I don't like spiders either. I'm also not very fond of of some sea life but not all. I don't know. Maybe I'm just an animal loving person?
I think I'm animal-loving as well, but there is a certain effect that comes from moving between farms, modern western cities and South Asian molochs that throw their kind of wildlife at you. :D
I have a phobia of spiders.

Like Brigantium, The Trooper is what got me into Maiden. I had heard FotD before, liked it but didn't love it. I heard The Trooper on a radio in the US (to this day I'm not sure if it really was The Trooper on the radio) and somehow connected it to Maiden. Put Maiden into youtube search, got to the Rock in Rio 2001 live version, listened to it and couldn't get over it. This is the story of how I met your Maiden.
I think I'm animal-loving as well, but there is a certain effect that comes from moving between farms, modern western cities and South Asian molochs that throw their kind of wildlife at you. :D
So basically it's like "shit happens" when it comes to animals? :p
Lovely. As much as I like getting the chance to stay home from work on a weekday, my stomach being the reason for staying home isn't so great...
I'm not 'a fan' of many animals, the worst for me being spiders but I certainly wouldn't say I have a phobia. I don't ball up in fear etc, I just... don't like to look at them and don't want them near me. Small ones I don't care about, but bigger they get the more I want em gone. Usually my solution for big ones is a pint glass. Considered applying for a job at a pet store to look after the reptiles (as I have a couple myself).. fine with the Lizards, Snakes, Turtles, Scorpions... but once I learnt that it would also involve caring for the Tarantula's (and Goliath's >.>) it was just a no go! Ex used to find it funny that I hated spiders and she didn't, but then she didn't like Snakes so meh!

Dogs... I have no problem with a dog walking up to me, sitting and stroking it etc etc, playing with it. But when ANY dog runs towards me I just automatically get out the way, especially if barking.
Rats. Big fat white rats in cages. Disgusting. I don't have a phobia per se but they freak me out. Apologies for anyone here who might keep rats as pets ( I can't see why people would though :p)
Not, they're not quite as fluffy and friendly.
There was one sat by a bin in the bus station one night. I nearly pointed and said: "Oooh look, a rat!"
Then realised it would probably send people screaming
Yeah I think it is a combination of the naked tails and the overall shape and form of their body, the way they creep around...And when they climb the cages and sit with their big front teeth out :ahhh:I don't have a problem with other rodents in general just big fat rats...