It was like this: I lived in Karachi with my family for one and a half years. At first, we lived in a very nice place , which we had to leave after a while and then moved to a different house. The previous owner had left two huge fighting dogs chained in the front yard. My parents didn't know what to do with them, and had to keep them there for a few weeks. It was probably just one or two weeks really, but it seems like an eternity in my memory. These beasts were aggressive and would always run to attack me whenever I passed by them. The only thing between them and me was a thin fence. In my memory, they appear pretty much like this:
For years, I was shit-scared of dogs, even little poodles or things that couldn't bite me in the little finger. I'm not afraid of them anymore, but I loathe them now. Living in a place for twelve years that would have up to five dogs barking at you simultaneously when you passed by their houses certainly didn't help. I can tolerate them if they don't bark, but I don't like having them around me very much. I've gotten used to dog owners thinking of me as a terrible person. One belittled my contempt because she thought they were silly childhood memories, and another one told me I'll die alone if I keep it up. So most of the time if somebody asks me about dogs, I'll just shrug it off and say "I'm more of a cat person" (which is true). Then they'll say their dog is more like a cat anyway. Whatever, I can't win.
For years, I was shit-scared of dogs, even little poodles or things that couldn't bite me in the little finger. I'm not afraid of them anymore, but I loathe them now. Living in a place for twelve years that would have up to five dogs barking at you simultaneously when you passed by their houses certainly didn't help. I can tolerate them if they don't bark, but I don't like having them around me very much. I've gotten used to dog owners thinking of me as a terrible person. One belittled my contempt because she thought they were silly childhood memories, and another one told me I'll die alone if I keep it up. So most of the time if somebody asks me about dogs, I'll just shrug it off and say "I'm more of a cat person" (which is true). Then they'll say their dog is more like a cat anyway. Whatever, I can't win.