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The first three Blaze albums smokes everything anybody else has done outside of Maiden. Chemical Wedding might rival them. Might.
No way. Primal Rock Rebellion is better than everything Maiden related except AOB and TCW. All Bruce albums except Skunkworks pwn Blaze albums. Even A.S.A.P. is better than Blaze albums. IMO.
Yes indeed. Murder One from 1992! Love it!
Arrived in the mail today! Great stuff actually.

no5: Please do. Stare At The Sun will rip your intestines out. That epic.
Arrived in the mail today! Great stuff actually.
What a coincidence. Glad you like it. The only songs that I like a bit less are the ones they did not write themselves (Children of the Revolution and Remember Tomorrow). The rest has lots of variation and quality.
Ah yes Children of the Revolution, wasn't that impressed either. I don't even like the original.

@Yax: It arrived. I'm only waiting my Sonos library to be updated and in a few minutes I'll be good to go. I'm excited really :)
I like the debut more than anything Adrian ever touched outside of Maiden. Very solid album.
I do confess that I did not per se mean the Bruce solo albums on which Adrian played. I meant the albums on which Adrian was the main man (his solo/project-albums).

Accident of Birth is my favourite Maiden related album, and then come CW (Bruce), Silicon Messiah (Blaze) & Murder One (Paul), all very close to each other. I also rate Samson's Head On and Shock Tactics very high.
<---- all these higher than H's albums.
Really, you like Accident better than the Wedding?? Interesting..
Yes, a very melodic and well produced album. Many people (Bruce himself included) prefer The Chemical Wedding and that album has some of my favourite tracks (e.g. “King In Crimson”) but as a whole album I find AOB more enthralling to listen to. It has quite some nice moody moments as well.
AOB and CW are both extremely strong in terms of individual songs and overall feel. However, they differ significantly in terms of atmosphere. I personally associate them with very different emotions and frame of mind they create and AOB is certainly the one I prefer.
Yes, a very melodic and well produced album. Many people (Bruce himself included) prefer The Chemical Wedding and that album has some of my favourite tracks (e.g. “King In Crimson”) but as a whole album I find AOB more enthralling to listen to. It has quite some nice moody moments as well.

I like them about the same, they are really two different albums with two different moods ... both have all kinds of kick ass songs. Only thing I did not care for on Chemical Wedding were the bonus tracks .. which is I guess why they were not on the album.