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5:15 am. I pulled an all-nighter, and I'm not sure if I can consider it successful or not.
And I begin work on the first homework assignment of 2013. No fun
Damn, half an hour at the office and I still haven't done anything even remotely related to work. It's going to be a tough day.
Edit: The day is starting is a most weird fashion.

How so?

Do you have lots to do? Can't you get some sleep?

I'll be alright. I feel pretty good right now, it's amazing what a shower can do for you.

Here's some fun: A friend of mine told me last night (i.e. a few hours ago) that she's doing a new diet now. She handed me a plan which I had her copy for me, and it promises that if you follow it by the letter, you'll lose 9 kg in two weeks, and trigger a metabolism change that stops weight gain for three years. It was developed by world-renowned nutrition scientists (like every diet), and it's guaranteed to work! Naturally, I don't believe a word. The funny part is that I saw her violate the diet plan twice last night alone. So I had my scientific curiosity get the better of me once again. I decided that I'll try that diet out myself, to see what it really does, since I can't rely on my friend for observation. I figure that the worst that can happen is that I'll be having a healthier nutrition than normal for two weeks.
It's great news! Just very unexpected.
Shit, I'm not going to get any work done today. I feel so excited I have to celebrate.
Here's some fun: A friend of mine told me last night (i.e. a few hours ago) that she's doing a new diet now. She handed me a plan which I had her copy for me, and it promises that if you follow it by the letter, you'll lose 9 kg in two weeks, and trigger a metabolism change that stops weight gain for three years. It was developed by world-renowned nutrition scientists (like every diet), and it's guaranteed to work! Naturally, I don't believe a word. The funny part is that I saw her violate the diet plan twice last night alone. So I had my scientific curiosity get the better of me once again. I decided that I'll try that diet out myself, to see what it really does, since I can't rely on my friend for observation. I figure that the worst that can happen is that I'll be having a healthier nutrition than normal for two weeks.

If you're seriously considering a diet, I can recommend one that works 100%. I used it to lose weight after my daughter was born. Other people have tried it, too - all successfully.
For some reason, right now I am PUMPED. Is it the coffee? Or all the Sabaton I've been listening to on the tube? Right now, I feel like a hero.