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Here's some boring trivia. Scientists say that it does not matter whether you exercise intensively for 30 minutes or moderately for an hour or more. What matters is sweat. As long as you sweat, the work-out is working out.

And another thing - exercise leads to better weight loss if it takes place before breakfast. Can provide sources upon request.
And another thing - exercise leads to better weight loss if it takes place before breakfast. Can provide sources upon request.
As far as I know though, the body taps more into the muscle reserve rather than the excessive fat. So you lose weight, but more muscle than if you work out after breakfast.
Here's some boring trivia. Scientists say that it does not matter whether you exercise intensively for 30 minutes or moderately for an hour or more. What matters is sweat. As long as you sweat, the work-out is working out.

And another thing - exercise leads to better weight loss if it takes place before breakfast. Can provide sources upon request.

Yeah, I heard both those facts too, that's why I thought I'd rather stop after 20 lanes, which took me ca 30 minutes. I felt quite fit after that, but had I gone another 20 minutes, I'd have been powered out. So I basically did everything right. ;)
As far as I know though, the body taps more into the muscle reserve rather than the excessive fat. So you lose weight, but more muscle than if you work out after breakfast.
Yeah, I've heard this. But is says here that they measured how much fat was burnt, not just the energy overall.

These facts came from a controlled experiment in which a group of men were tested without exercise and after exercise. The after-exercise tests were then divided into exercise before breakfast and exercise after breakfast.

"The researchers found that fat and carbohydrate breakdown (as measured by blood tests) and overall energy expenditure were greater in the exercise-before and exercise-after breakfast conditions when compared to the no exercise condition – which hardly seems surprising. However, they also found that fat breakdown relative to carbohydrate breakdown was greater, and overall energy expenditure was more, when men exercised before breakfast, compared to when they exercised after breakfast."
Hey Yax, what's that Halford song that goes "let it be, slow down..."? I think it's on Live Insurrection.
Yeah, I've heard this. But is says here that they measured how much fat was burnt, not just the energy overall.

These facts came from a controlled experiment in which a group of men were tested without exercise and after exercise. The after-exercise tests were then divided into exercise before breakfast and exercise after breakfast.

"The researchers found that fat and carbohydrate breakdown (as measured by blood tests) and overall energy expenditure were greater in the exercise-before and exercise-after breakfast conditions when compared to the no exercise condition – which hardly seems surprising. However, they also found that fat breakdown relative to carbohydrate breakdown was greater, and overall energy expenditure was more, when men exercised before breakfast, compared to when they exercised after breakfast."
Yeah, sounds about right.

Hey Yax, what's that Halford song that goes "let it be, slow down..."? I think it's on Live Insurrection.
Slow Down :p. It was originally released on Resurrection.

Foro: Speaking of Slow Down. It's not on the "new" Halford live in London album. But I do know it was performed durig the Resurrection world tour.
Ah right, thanks. I had that stuck in my head all morning, and I kind of like the atmosphere from that pseudo-live album.
Most tracks are totally live. The rarer songs like Light Comes Out Of Black etc are credited as recorded soundchecks. I and Foro talked about this a couple of pages back.

And then there are studio bonus tracks as well like Heart of a Lion.
Yeah, well, I think we even had this before. I know you hate this, but to me it doesn't sound believable as a live album. Either it's a studio recording with live effects, or it's heavily overdubbed. That's just the feel it has to me, sorry.
But it's really not. There are plenty of recordings available from the tour, and Halford sounds extremely good. In fact, He (or Baxter. Who knows at this point) is releasing the London show from 2000 with 21 live tracks. Resurrection sounds amazing. That being said though, Live Insurrection is a very well produced record. The production isn't raw, it's polished and I think that's part of the reason, along with the preposterous rumor surrounding it, that people assume it's overdubbed.

I do understand though that the soundchecks sound artificial though with the audience sounds.
Unleashed in the East is however, overdubbed. Halford had a massive flu when they recorded it. There are recordings available, that I've heard, and he could barely speak. So he overdubbed it all in one take, according to himself.
I myself don't get why they didn't just recorded another show. Maybe the Japan shows were the last on the tour?
Yeah, I've heard this. But is says here that they measured how much fat was burnt, not just the energy overall.

These facts came from a controlled experiment in which a group of men were tested without exercise and after exercise. The after-exercise tests were then divided into exercise before breakfast and exercise after breakfast.

"The researchers found that fat and carbohydrate breakdown (as measured by blood tests) and overall energy expenditure were greater in the exercise-before and exercise-after breakfast conditions when compared to the no exercise condition – which hardly seems surprising. However, they also found that fat breakdown relative to carbohydrate breakdown was greater, and overall energy expenditure was more, when men exercised before breakfast, compared to when they exercised after breakfast."

Did they also correct for increased appetite? I assume that if you exercise before breakfast, you eat more breakfast. Do you have a link to the study itself?
Thanks! Interesting enough, but it's a rather small study (only 10 men). That's too small to say anything with certainty, except what we know already; Moderate exercise is good for your health :) Exercise at top athlete level, not so much.