Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

You put the accent on the first syllable, and I don't think it sounds similar to anything close to vagina.

In fact, this is exactly the way you pronounce the word in Bulgarian - with the stress on the first syllable. Anyway, I've heard worse.
Whenever I say something about my personal life, it causes at least two pages of posts on this thread. But I won't post something about my personal life.
Aww! :blush: I miss you too!

This is so cute. It only needs one thing to complete the cuteness.

Pretty well. At least my lecturer seemed to like it. I didn't get to say all I wanted to say, so I'm doing a little follow-up on Thursday. At least I have a bit of time now to get started on the rest of the things I'd been planning to have done by the end of the year.