Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I am now upto 119 emails on my Blackberry unread. And it's only been two working days in to my week off.
I get roughly 50-60 emails a day. Before I was off, I would have to read them all. When I get back to work, I will have to read them then - but by then it will be up-to 300 or so.
Guess what's got 36 pages, 9653 words, 121 footnotes, 32 pieces of cited literature and is going to be turned in tomorrow?
SinisterMinisterX said:
What's the title?

Achaemenid conception of dualism.

(Achaemenid: Dynasty that ruled Persia from 550-330 BC. Darius, Xerxes, Alexander the Great, those guys.)

Eddies Wingman said:
Your most recent paper? Or the bachelor's thesis itself? Either way, well done.

The thesis itself. It's done. Once I turned it in, my professor has one month to read it, then I'll have an oral exam on it.
Congrats, then. I hope to do the same come the end of July ... except it will probably be something like 150-200 pages, and probably a comparable number of cited works. And afterwards I am going to sleep for a week.
Perun said:
Guess what's got 36 pages, 9653 words, 121 footnotes, 32 pieces of cited literature and is going to be turned in tomorrow?

Did you make a triple save, and have you stored it on several discs as well?  :P
Congrats, Per!  I was cleaning out my office the other day and ran across my old honors thesis.  Brought back fond memories, not so much of writing the thesis itself, but of college generally.  Be sure to have it velo-bound and kept in a safe place -- you won't want to re-read the whole thing again, probably, but it'll be something to show your kids.  Plus, you can laugh at how much worse your writing was in your 20's than it will be as you get older. 
Cornfed Hick said:
Be sure to have it velo-bound

Done, already. A total of six copies (the family wants it too, for some reason).

LooseCannon said:
Congratulations, my friend. Is it in English or German?

German. As a matter of fact, I originally wanted to write it in English, but I was told that this is only possible if my native tongue isn't German.