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Good newz: I've got internet access at home again. Bad newz: It's not my computer. But well.

I got some dumb-bells for birthday. So I started some work-out. I'm starting from zero. You wouldn't believe how heavy 3 kilograms can be.
Ha!  Yeah, I do know (well, after I translate to pounds).  Do some googling and see if you find some of the P90X workouts with weights.  They work remarkably well-- some sitting down, some like you are pull starting a lawn mower, some like you are pulling up your pants, but they work out a lot of dif muscles.
Sounds interesting. Right now, I'm still trying to find a proper plan to work with. I have a few excercises which seem to be alright, but I've only tried them three times so far. I found that it's actually fun, and it really helps you put your mind off things for half an hour. In fact, I even found myself looking forward to the work-out today. And although I'm quite exhausted right now, I feel really good.
The tougher thing for me is to find a proper diet. I don't have much cash to invest in proper food, or so it seems. I heard lots of nutrition gurus telling me it's not all that much about what you eat, but more about the regularity. Having a very irregular lifestyle as a student doesn't help, of course.
@Invader: I wake up at 5 am, start at 6:30 am and finish at 13:30-15:30, depends on the day.

No matter how I look at it, 5 seems way to early and so does 9 pm, when I try to go to sleep.
So apparently I leave for Uni in 7 hours. Spent the evening looking at old pictures with a few members of family. Pretty awesome night really.
I barely got up today, crap. Shaving's kinda good to wake you up, but not too much.

It's saturday, so the hotel is sending me a cab to pick me up along some other guys, and it's 150%, so it's worth it to get up!

I'm gonna sleep my ass off tomorrow night.
i went to bed about 2 hours ago and then realized it was only 7 O_o such a wierd day today
Mega said:
@Invader: I wake up at 5 am, start at 6:30 am and finish at 13:30-15:30, depends on the day.

Yeah, that is pretty rough.  I had to wake up at 5:15 for my summer job, but that was (fortunately) only five weeks.  And at 6 in the army, but the extra hour can make all the difference.  Now I'm living an irregular student lifestyle, which is much more fun. :D
Satruday!!  I got my girls' three-wheeler running, got my potato salad ready, and my beer cold.

It's bonfire time, baby!