Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Oh no! Did she have a warranty for them? Hopefully that type of accident was covered in it.

No, this is a perfect learning opportunity... tell your dad on time when you lose something and suffer all and any consequences from it. I'd buy her a cheaper pair now... or make her pay for it. To young to work, you say? Nay! she can always wash dishes, clean house and mow lawn in exchange :D
Ha!  Well, my idea was a cheap pair, since she wears her contacts all the time, and only needs glasses late at night to read.  Nope, her mom took her shopping, $150 pair, some fucking Pop culture gig.  meh.
She will be washing many dishes, clothes, and dusting the hell outta my book shelf!
Jus bought a 20 bucks guitar speed increase program with a ton of extras.

The main program's a scam, just a bunch of chromatic exercises everyone knows and don't give a fuck about. Maybe I should just practice them.
Looking at the extras now.

Yep, the extras are pretty much a rip off too.

Nevermind, 20 bucks aren't much. Crap, they are when I don't have a job. Gotta find one fast.

I'll work on this crap program for 20 minutes a day for two weeks like they say, see if it gets me anywhere.

What do you call it when you spend some money on something and it turnes out to be a waste, and then you feel bad?
Don Dokken said:
last time i logged on your rating was -3 who were the two fuckfaces that kicked you?

Onhell just kicked him. And I JUST praised him to a -4 yesterday, thanks ALOT Onhell  :P We were almost there, but I can't praise him right now because I can't "repeat a karma action" in a matter of 24 hours.
We'll get there. Ahhh...Remember the good ol days when you were at -48? I was thinking "Wow, what the hell did he do to get such a low rating??" Good times....good times.
HallowedBeMyName said:
We'll get there. Ahhh...Remember the good ol days when you were at -48? I was thinking "Wow, what the hell did he do to get such a low rating??" Good times....good times.
It was because when I was about to hit 500 posts, I posted a bunch of little replies just to get it up there and LC and SMX didn't like it so they put me at -50 to punish me.
Well, I don't have an out of home job so that helps. I live at home and have a severely autistic brother who can't talk and I help my parents take care of him and we all get paid from waivered services.