Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Yeah, sounds fair.

Did you ever hear 'Great Zepplin', the Great White cover, live, of some good Zep tunes?  Worth the price of admission.
Yeah, that guy really does a good job with sounding like Plant.  I enjoyed it.

Damn, now I'm bumming that all my Great White is at home and I hafta wait 5 hours... damn.

NP: AIC, Check My Brain
Wasn't that the guy Rowdy Roddy Pieper played in 'Them' or ' They Live', or whatever that was?

George Nada:  I've come to kick ass and chew bubble gum.  And I'm all out of bubble gum.
Yeah, Once Bitten was a pretty good album, especially for the 'blues' feel.  Twice Shy was good, but more 'commercial' to catch the 80's feel.  But, I always like their stuff.

And, Deano, yeah, you gotta see that.  A great fight scene between him and his buddy.  Cheesy flick, but some classic lines.
Ha!  I was just cleaning my garage and found some cassettes.  NOT in  my '84 camaro, tho I wish I had one!
It's not, but I'm a broke Wasted.  Two month anniversary of being employed today, after 7 + months of being out of work sucked the savings dry....

Rebuilding time, baby!!

Success!!  I just fixed someone's Outlook that hasn't worked for 3 weeks, and another's messed up active desktop with some registry hack.  Damn, I feel useful!

BTW, Microsoft pisses me off.