Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

LooseCannon said:
I only skim most of them.
That's probably the downside of being a mod - having to wade through it all (skimming it or otherwise) to make sure it's all above board.
Compared to some other forums such as Metallica's official one, this place actually moves along kind of slow, but I like that. When it gets too nuts and out of hand, it's not that fun to try and follow it all. I wish we were a little more busy here though. Just not super crazy.
I kinda like slow pace. Its always like a pub filled with friends...people pop in and out... Like Callahan's Place!!
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Compared to some other forums such as Metallica's official one, this place actually moves along kind of slow, but I like that. When it gets too nuts and out of hand, it's not that fun to try and follow it all. I wish we were a little more busy here though. Just not super crazy.

It used to be busier, WAY busier, but a lot of old timers have left for different reasons, but like Wasted said, we have the advantage of getting to know each other quite well.
I'll take your word for it, but back when the commentary was young and You Know Who was around as well as constant contribution from Gor, Saint, the Latin Americans like SandMan, 7th Son, Conor, Owl, the Frenchies like Lib, Syl and Jackknife... Even that jackass StrangerInaStrangeLand posted over 1000 posts in 2 years... His count is lower now with the "disappearing" threads, but yeah. I remember much more discussion going on. Specially in the commentary.
I can't keep track of all the new members we have. I see people who have apparently been here for a year and posted 500 times and I don't even recognize them.
Its almost like a sub-forum...seems like a huge group from the dead IMBB showed up and know each other already.
I'm sure after the album comes out and the hype stops, that alot of the noobs will leave or become less active.

ARGH my car is a fucking mess genna go clean it now and maybe start on some body work if I can find a cheep hose for my air compressor.
All us Old-Timers know that people fade away after the album and tour. So, as we're all aware, it will slow down. I think there's some decent n00bs though, a few of them will stay, and become the new class of Old Timers. I mean, we got EW, Wasted, and Deano in 06-07...I don't care to count the people who made 50-100 posts in that period then vanished.