Yes, I understand that. But I happen to believe that punishing people for potential future crimes is wrong.
cornfedhick said:Then I demand satisfaction. I am a human, and try as I might, I will never be able to bear children.
(A glib answer, to be sure, but it begs the question what the father's rights might be.)
LooseCannon said:I do believe the Dutch have better things to do than bother with this junk.
Forostar said:My summary of this whole topic:
1. The whole thing is (still) taboo
2. I reckon we just have different opinions on Parens patriae.
Last but not least:
This new Dutch plan (which is still a plan, and nothing more) does not make a difference between mentally disabled persons and non mentally disabled persons. It purely looks at parents, being unfit to have (more) children.
Mentally disabled can take care of children in a good manner, especially when they get support from family and others. Also people without restrictions need that support, because the perfect parent does not exist.
I read that the author of the plan means "to prevent extreme situations when judges constantly displace children out of their houses, while new children keep coming".
Perun said:Okay, I phrased that very (too) aggressively up there. I'm sorry if I offended somebody... but I still stand by the content of my post*. And please note that I never, ever mentioned the word "Dutch". I never attacked the Dutch, and I never attacked those people who came up with this idea on the grounds of them being Dutch. As far as I'm concerned, they could be from anywhere.
Perun said:My problem with this idea is that we are talking about something that is much more fundamental than all the other examples Foro listed. Childbearing is more than a right. It is a fundamental human duty. It's what keeps our species alive. If we start forbidding people to have children, we might as well pack it up entirely.
Perun said:And another thing I'm really worried about here is that this is basically pre-emtive justice. The parents are being punished for a crime they did not commit, but are assumed that they would commit it later on. Here again, if we reach that point, we might as well start jailing everybody then, because everybody is a potential bank robber, murderer, spy, terrorist or whatnot.
Forostar said:"Our rights exist, partially, to protect our purpose, and I assure you, it wouldn't matter what country was trying this nonsense - I'd find it equally as outraging and ridiculous."
And I made this forum aware of worse laws (no plans) on your own continent, where things happen in a way more rigid manner than in other Western places. If you're truly so shocked why not protest against it and send letters?
I didn't mean to make it personal, and I didn't take it personal either. I tried to learn from "the other topic" in which Mav returned and I'd hoped others would have done the same.
Natalie said:I don't understand why we're arguing about bearing children being a right or's not a right per se because it's a NATURAL HUMAN FUNCTION. Forbiddding child-bearing (to women) is like forbidding people to take a shit.
"We all have rights to choose what occurs with our body."
As told in my previous post, we don't. California remember?
"As Perun said, our purpose as a species is to reproduce."
That's an opinion, often preached by the church. It is not a law. It is not a rule.
"Our rights exist, partially, to protect our purpose, and I assure you, it wouldn't matter what country was trying this nonsense - I'd find it equally as outraging and ridiculous."
And I made this forum aware of worse laws (no plans) on your own continent, where things happen in a way more rigid manner than in other Western places. If you're truly so shocked why not protest against it and send letters?
Albie said:You know what, I agree with you. It is a privilege. And yes, in discussions such as these it needs to focus on the inherit human right for the child to be cared for properly.
In saying that, I don't agree with any person been forced to take contraception on the basis that they are deemed, by authorities, to be an unfit parent.