Iron Man - the Movie

Even so, it's a matter of doing things in an original way. Comic book movies can be and sometimes have been more than high-budget explosion-fests. X-Men deals wiht the fear of being different and parallels can still be drawn to today's society. Spider-Man is essentially a coming-of-age story about morals and responsibility. V for Vendetta focused almost entirely on character development but still managed to deliver on action and suspense.

Sadly, these are the exceptions. The general new trend in comic book movies is to replace substance with more, bigger, and flashier action scenes. My guess is that Iron Man will be this type of movie, but the great choice of actors and the interesting characters will set it apart from the rest.
Helphyre said:
Even so, it's a matter of doing things in an original way. Comic book movies can be and sometimes have been more than high-budget explosion-fests. X-Men deals wiht the fear of being different and parallels can still be drawn to today's society. Spider-Man is essentially a coming-of-age story about morals and responsibility. V for Vendetta focused almost entirely on character development but still managed to deliver on action and suspense.

Sadly, these are the exceptions. The general new trend in comic book movies is to replace substance with more, bigger, and flashier action scenes. My guess is that Iron Man will be this type of movie, but the great choice of actors and the interesting characters will set it apart from the rest.

X-Men... racism... been done before. Oh now they are "MUTANTS"... whatever. Spiderman a teenager with superpowers who's story in the first movie oddly parallels.. *gasp* Jesus'.... V for Vendetta, 1984/brave new world anyone? sure the "unique" twists to these stories might be neat, but I believe their real function is to hopefully make a new generation aware of age old problems and hopefully will get them to dig a little bit to find the older versions of such stories, and maybe even care about the REAL issues (such as racism, ultimate struggle between good and bad, and totalitarian regimes). I hope with this I illustrate my frustration to Perun's hunger for "originality" in hollywood movies. Once I have time to write up the review to the book I just finished I believe his hunger might be satisfied through Japanimation...
Helphyre said:
X-Men deals wiht the fear of being different and parallels can still be drawn to today's society. Spider-Man is essentially a coming-of-age story about morals and responsibility. V for Vendetta focused almost entirely on character development but still managed to deliver on action and suspense.

I hated all three X-Men films, all three Spider-Man films and thought that V for Vendetta was one of the most boring things I've seen in a cinema. I usually don't like any superhero films, but I did enjoy Superman Returns, as well as the original Superman and Superman 2. The defining comic book film for me though, is Batman Begins. I really can't reccommend it enough, and will go on about it until everyone on this forum has watched it! :P It takes the cartoon-ey feel of the old Batman series, and flushes it down the toilet. There's grit, there's action, the acting is brilliant, Christian Bale was made for the role, the supporting cast is excellent also (with the exception of Katie Holmes), and ranks as one of my favourite movies of all time.

Getting back on topic, I'm not sure what to make of this Iron Man movie. It looks quite snazzy, but the amount of times that I have been mislead by a trailer is not funny. I'm sure I'll end up seeing it anyway, for better or for worse.
Perun said:
It may be a recent trend, but there's been too many for my taste. Why can't Hollywood come up with something original anymore?

Does the notion of money tells you something ? Remember, we live in a capitalist world and we live it on the worst side.

At this moment, you have two kinds of movies made by Hollywood :
Comic book movies (X-men, the 4 fantastics (???), Superman, Batman, Spiderman...), entertaining but not more. Anyway, it has no more claims.
Peplum (Gladiator, The 3OO (Sparacus)...)

My conclusion : it's always the same, when there's a kind of movie that allowed soemone to earn much money (like Gladiator), everybody tries to do so.

I also agree that there's no original idea in these movies. I mean no one had an original idea to build the scenario, it's always about reemploying something, like you can see for music. Now, every band has to make a cover, and it's rare that it gives something creative and interesting.

Art is DYING my friends and this means nothing more than the end of everything !! The whole will explod and you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon... uhhh, sorry. I certainly ate something  sell-by-date.
porcnoz said:
Does the notion of money tells you something ?

No, it doesn't. We may live in a capitalist society, but making movies is still primarily a creative process, pop art is still art however shallow it may be. Not to mention in a capitalistic society the costumer is always rights, so if they like and WANT superhero movies, the system will give them what they want. So if people stopped going to superhero movies hollywood would stop making them, it really is that simple. Many movies and franchises have died at the box office and others, with no initial intention of sequels, are born from success at the box office.
Onhell said:
No, it doesn't. We may live in a capitalist society, but making movies is still primarily a creative process (...)

Si I guess you mustn't know much "artists". To me, about money, they're like Gremlins with eating after midnight. Once they've learned what it can bring, they take pleasure by earning more and more. And, believe me, they're the biggest capitalists in the world. For my job, I have to work with, and you have the impression that under cover (not sure of the world) of "intellectual property" they make them pay as much as they can. What I can see of this on my side, it's that one can have the impression that you earn more by making something "artistic" (Have you heard about the recent story of the Twombly's Monochrom ?) even though if you make studies, you earn less...

Onhell said:
(...) if they like and WANT superhero movies, the system will give them what they want. So if people stopped going to superhero movies hollywood would stop making them, it really is that simple.

I'm sorry but that's not that simple. Befor they stop producing a kind of movie, I always have the (sad) impression that they try to exploit the vein until people show a real indifference. I already knew comics like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Hulk (it was my favourite television serie) but I didn't know Iron man and you can hear many people saying the same, what makes me think that they're exploiting the maximum from the vein of comic book film. And that's why I agree with Perun when he complains about originality.
porcnoz said:
Si I guess you mustn't know much "artists". To me, about money, they're like Gremlins with eating after midnight. Once they've learned what it can bring, they take pleasure by earning more and more. And, believe me, they're the biggest capitalists in the world. For my job, I have to work with, and you have the impression that under cover (not sure of the world) of "intellectual property" they make them pay as much as they can. What I can see of this on my side, it's that one can have the impression that you earn more by making something "artistic" (Have you heard about the recent story of the Twombly's Monochrom ?) even though if you make studies, you earn less...

OK that makes more since and now I understand what you meant. I still don't blame them because we all have to eat and make a living somehow... well don't blame some of them lol.

I'm sorry but that's not that simple. Befor they stop producing a kind of movie, I always have the (sad) impression that they try to exploit the vein until people show a real indifference. I already knew comics like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Hulk (it was my favourite television serie) but I didn't know Iron man and you can hear many people saying the same, what makes me think that they're exploiting the maximum from the vein of comic book film. And that's why I agree with Perun when he complains about originality.

I'm glad you brought up The Hulk, because that is a perfect example of what I was driving at. Spiderman was a HUGE hit, they made three movies. Transformers was a HUGE hit, they got green lighted for 2 more sequels. the Hulk was a huge FLOP... the end of the franchise. Had it done well at the box office we would probably have 2 or more Hulk movies on the way. So sure the genre of superhero movies is alive and well for now, but that's because as a whole superheros are doing well (batman, superman, spiderman), but if one doesn't do that well (Hulk, Constantine) The industry won't make sequels, because people don't want it (incidentally it means they won't make money :D).

I had heard of Iron Man, before but it is far from a "classic" character like say Superman or Batman... I didn't know about 300 or The History of Violence either. The Comic Book (I refuse to call it Graphic Novel) culture is getting it's 15 minutes of fame no doubt.
Onhell said:
OK that makes more since and now I understand what you meant. I still don't blame them because we all have to eat and make a living somehow... well don't blame some of them lol.

I agree too  :) I just think that the amount they earn is really insane and outrageous comparatively to people working hard all day long in factories. I also think that life would be very boring without culture but that's not a (enough) good reason.

So great thank to Beaumarchais who invented the intellectual property ! lol
porcnoz said:
I agree too  :) I just think that the amount they earn is really insane and outrageous comparatively to people working hard all day long in factories. I also think that life would be very boring without culture but that's not a (enough) good reason.

So great thank to Beaumarchais who invented the intellectual property ! lol

And Adam Smith for his calculation of wages!! :D