That's what I thought of Lemmy.
You were right. Lemmy lived incredibly hard and still managed to survive to the age of 70 with terminal cancer he didn't even know about until a few days before he died. Considering his lifestyle 70 was a remarkable age for him to have reached.
As Indiana Jones once said, "it's not the years, it's the mileage". Maiden, although they partied pretty hard on their first two US tours, seemed to settle down quite quickly thereafter (got it out of their systems, apparently) and started to be much more sensible. Steve and Bruce have always been very keen on keeping fit. Dave and Nicko both put on a bit of weight for a while, but then lost it again. I noticed the issue with Nicko's hands as early as 2012 but it doesn't look significantly worse now, and coming off the booze is really going to help him there. And Bruce didn't just survive cancer, he really
beat it - he's hardly a shadow of his former self.
Trivial by comparison but I also love how Steve and Janick have resolutely kept their hair long, and Janick still has his earring.
I don't believe any of them, even after "retirement", intend to just lie down and wait for old age to overtake them and I love this fighting spirit - it makes me less worried about getting old myself.