Ancient Mariner
I think I've posted that picture before, but who cares too much, it's precious Maiden and cool picture of Eddie with Paul anyways! 

Found it. don't know I have found that and thisView attachment 23759
Lucky you didn't meet him at this point in his life ...I don't care how old the picture is, I NEVER would have expected to see Dave with short hair.
Like Steve Harris and a great many other East End teenaged boys at the time, for a while Dave was a skinhead. Unlike Steve, however, Dave had the haircut, too. "Yep, number-one crop, Doc Marten boots and braces," he grins sheepishly. "The full monty." He even took up with a local skinhead gang and regularly found himself "getting into a bit of bother - street fights and the like. You had to be light on your feet." It's not a part of his past that he's particularly proud of now. It was just something "that all the kids 'round our way were into. Lots of times, gangs would come tooled up, but you couldn't afford to run away or your life really would have been hell. They'd never have let you be, you know?
"I had the Crombie coat and the Levi Sta-Prest trousers and I was in a skinhead gang, and I had a violent couple of years of being out on the street. Then I went completely to the other extreme and became a hippy. I decided that I preferred the more sort of peaceful attitude to life. What happened was, I did actually go to one football match - it was an Arsenal game - and there was serious fighting going on, and I thought, 'I've had enough of this,' you know? It was horrible. Looking back, I see it as all part of growing up and having a bit of an identity crisis, trying to find out who you are, sort of thing. So I let my hair grow long, got an Afghan and decided to become a hippy, man!"
Wall, Mick; Wall, Mick. Run to the hills (pp. 32-33). UNKNOWN. Kindle Edition.