Iron Maiden pictures

A certain fella we know from some band... taken 8 days ago in a London tube, and if I have to believe what I read on the official forum, he left at Euston Square to meet 'Arry in a pub.

2 days before that he was busy with pulling pints in a Cardiff bar

I didn't know the Brazilian site : really great. I've just read a few interviews with Harry, and found an old list of his favorites records back in 1985. Very interesting. And, for those interested, the same can be found on Smith.
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My apologies if I misunderstood but are you saying these are interviews you did or ones that can be found on those sites?
Oh, I'm sorry, I meant I've READ... I forgot a word. And no, I'm not lucky enough to have interviewed any of them : just a few words to Harry in march...
Sorry for the long delay of the answer. Here is the link.
I didn't know the man's tastes precisely, by I was quite surprised to see that he has many things in common with Harry. Edit : By the way, as for Harry, this is an old list (1985 !).

There is a search engine on the site, and you will be able to find all the articles about Smith. I can only read spanish, and my portugese is rather deficient, so it is not that easy for me unfortunately.
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You're welcome, and Foro is to be praised for that great discovery. As for the H album list, I expected to find Purple, even more Free and Johnny Winter, but not really The Who or UFO. And, seeing Lizzy here is quite illuminating : Maiden really developped the twin guitar harmonies when he joined. In many ways, his tastes are responding to Harry's. The only real difference is the later's taste for progressive music.
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Brigantium, your post made me understand the previous one. I was focused on the idea of Bruce being a liar, not understanding why.:innocent:
I was just browsing photos of my old cat (see the 100k thread), and I found this again:


This was on the ceiling of a bar in Hamburg that no longer exists. I took this photo nine years ago. There were plenty of other sigs on that ceiling as you can see, I distinctly remember Manowar and Helloween.
Not a liar, obviously. He just resembled the character's special feature. You sometimes take everything too serious...
Yes, Bruce in the pic have a big nose like Pinocchio = Bruce is a liar .... right...

Well then, maybe i must find another connection. Let me see... in literature, who have big noses like Bruce... hummm....

ah! of course, the Peninsula nose.



Warning: I'm not actually saying that Bruce has an ugly nose.