Iron Maiden Picture Game

Alright, I had this one prepared :P


Pedestrians crossing the street ... Ashley Young, shirt number 18. I can't see the link.

Song title or lyrics?

The pedestrians are walking through the city, Ashley is looking not so pretty ... no, those aren't the right lyrics :innocent:
It's not song title or lyrics. The pictures basically spell out something that has something to do with that song that would instantly reveal which song it is. It's definitely not as far fetched as Cried's last clues :p
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Nope nope.

Look at both pictures carefully. What is the pedestrian in the left picture doing? What's happening in the 2nd picture?

P.S. Both pictures are completely relevant, but Ashley Young's name isn't a clue.

The two pictures combined coin a phrase that describes the song. I didn't coin the phrase btw. Everyone on this forum should know which song is in question once you hear that phrase :P
They're jaywalking. But I can't think of anything related...

Oh, wait, never mind, they aren't.
"The" pedestrian; is it relevant what pedestrian you're referring to? Also, are we meant to know what's "happening" in the Ashley picture? He's just making a face, or saying something...
"The" pedestrian; is it relevant what pedestrian you're referring to?
I already revealed one is jaywalking. Is jaywalking something you should be doing?

Ashley is running, with a funny facial expression. Football is being played.

Is the facial expression relevant?
Nope. Something else is happening in that picture. Google can help you with that :P