Iron Maiden Picture Game

Come on, guys. It's really easy if you know anything about WWI planes. Night_Prowler should really have it by now.
Sign of the Cross?

I was thinking of the same, with the plane itself merely being a distraction.

The plane is a Fokker Triplane, the colors are those used by Manfred von Richthofen (alias The Red Baron) and the other pilots in his unit. They were all aces, so the suggestion from @Collin also makes sense despite that song being about WW2. But I'm backing @Moon Child here.
Come on, guys. It's really easy if you know anything about WWI planes. Night_Prowler should really have it by now.
Hmmm... Tailgunner (Fokker) and Paschendale (WWI) are not so strange options. Aced High is less logical because of WWII. Sign of the Cross could be it, but why would Perun stress WWI planes?

Which other Maiden song has a reference to WWI (planes)?
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Sign of the Cross could be it, but why would Perun stress WWI planes?

To confuse us?

The cross was still there during WWII, albeit stylistically different (see for example the Me-109 below)

I can't come up with more associations. I must be overlooking something really obvious.
Don't focus so much on a song with planes. The song I'm looking for has no planes in it.

Wingman correctly identified the plane, but he missed one detail. The plane has another name, and that name will lead you straight to the song I'm looking for.
Me-109 is mentioned in Aces High, but it was already said by Collin. I'm going to think about this.

Edit : Oh the plane was a Fokker Triplane?

Is it Rime of the Ancient Mariner? The plane was used by Albatros fighters IIRC. And I think it was the name of a plane manufacturer, too.
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Don't focus so much on a song with planes. The song I'm looking for has no planes in it.

Wingman correctly identified the plane, but he missed one detail. The plane has another name, and that name will lead you straight to the song I'm looking for.

Hm. The German name for it is Dreidecker or Dr-1, but that doesn't help me. I can't remember if the plane also has a nickname.

Me-109 is mentioned in Aces High, but it was already said by Collin. I'm going to think about this.

Edit : Oh the plane was a Fokker Triplane?

Is it Rime of the Ancient Mariner? The plane was used by Albatros fighters IIRC.

The Me-109 was just to illustrate that the cross marking was kept by the Luftwaffe (and they still use it).
I also considered Rime but Flash beat me to it. There's a relation:
The Albatros was a predecessor. The Germans used it before (this) Fokker.