Iron Maiden Picture Game

Moonchild - open the seventh seal
Moonchild - you'll be mine soon child

The lyrics to Moonchild reference "seventh seal"; the picture is from Bergman's The Seventh Seal with von Sydow, etc.

The picture is of the main character (Antonius, played by von Sydow) playing chess with Death, the deal being that if Death wins, he gets to take Antonius - if Antonius wins, his life is spared for the time being.
Seventh Seal. Duh. I was thinking of the closing scene where they all have, you know, a dance of death.
A Templar knight fighting a dragon, a skull fortress, a map of Ghana, a blonde and whatsername.
The flag and country is of Ghana, formerly known as the Gold Coast. Wasted Years?
Fucking hell Wingman, you're good! :D

First picture: St. George (& the Dragon)
Second picture: a castle (Castle Grayskull)
Third picture: Ghana
[Hint: Elle Macpherson + Mina Harker = Elmina]

Elmina is in Ghana; location of Elmina Castle, also called St George's Castle; the Portugese name for this coast means "the coast of gold mines" --the first line of Wasted Years...

Okay, that was a fucking mess! :p
Yeh, sorry...
(I was reading about castles yesterday & was reading about this one; read "coast of gold" & thought of Wasted Years!)

One picture clues from Cried from now on! :D
Hehe, an extra clue is an excellent way to confuse us. Well done :D Here's my next riddle for you:
