Iron Maiden Picture Game

I assure you, it's not Coming Home. If that were the case, I'd have posted a picture of the man, not the festival logo.
A well kept secret of his. ;)

My reasoning for that guess? I looked up info on Stan Rogers and it said a lot about the Maritimes and one of the major communities of the region include Charlottetown in Prince Edward Island.
Wait I think I got it.

It takes place in Nova Scotia, which is where the vikings landed when they arrived in North America so....Invaders.
When I think of Rogers, I think sailing songs.
So, Ghost of the Navigator?
Or Rime of the Ancient Mariner?
Barrett was smashed like a bowl of eggs. The only Maiden song I can think of that comes close to mentioning eggs is Where Eagles Dare, because it speaks of 'the eagle's nest'. So I say Where Eagles Dare.
You guys are thinking too much about Stan Rogers. This isn't about him, not directly.

It is about a festival named after him in the town he came from.