Iron Maiden Picture Game

So no-one has correctly identified the relevant detail in the picture? But there is a clue in someone's solo work?

Or else we've all misunderstood completely :lol:
"Misunderstood" = ASAP reference
So true!

The picture links up with a certain Maiden member's solo work, which links back to an actual Maiden song. So far the closest guess has been:

...but even this one is off. Keep at it! ;)

Is it close because of chronology (i.e. another band member's work outside of Maiden at that time) or close because it relates to Bruce?
That wasn't actually a serious suggestion, it was just a joke about Bruce's dodgy moustaches in days gone by, eg:
But Samson would qualify as a solo work for this purpose? I would have excluded Samson, White Spirit, Gillan, Urchin, Wolfsbane and Psycho Motel as these are actual bands the members were previously/subsequently involved with rather than solo or side projects. The only true "solo albums/projects" would be the five by Bruce, ASAP and some (but not all) of Blaze's post-Maiden work. And maybe Primal Rock Rebellion. Even British Lion is borderline, as this is an attempt by Steve to be in another band ...
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