CriedWhenBrucieLeft Meme Only Account Jan 11, 2014 #241 Okay, let's have a decent one that doesn't apply to about a dozen other songs.
Night Prowler Customer Deathcycle Manager Staff member Jan 11, 2014 #243 You threaten other people with guns, that's evil
CriedWhenBrucieLeft Meme Only Account Jan 11, 2014 #246 But it was too tenuous, non-specific, & vague --it could've applied to loads of other tracks.
M Moon Child Ancient Mariner Jan 11, 2014 #247 ...That's the point. Keep you guessing until you get it right.
CriedWhenBrucieLeft Meme Only Account Jan 11, 2014 #248 Okay, Perun is back in! Surely it's a work-it-out game, not a list... I mean, guessing game?
Perun 23:58:31 Staff member Jan 11, 2014 #254 Brigs very likely recognised the guy on the first picture, and everything else falls together then.
Brigantium Blood Empress Staff member Jan 11, 2014 #257 I admit I had to use Google to read up on Pushkin. Next one: