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Ohhhh wow, I didn't really realise people had OTHER reasons to dislike Stepjan...

Now, I'm gonna be brief about my comments about him and kind of answer @Zare

Stepjan makes most of his money thanks to Porn and Prostitution (Pimping) in Croatia, that is also how he manages to produce his books 'cause I know for a fact that he isn't even close to selling the amount of books he claims to sell, hell, I even know that his page isn't visited by millions like he says, and that info is easily verified in his own page!

The thing that worries me most is that many, many fans believe that he is like the MESIAH of Maiden stuff and I can honestly say that what he does is gather a bunch of old information, compile it, fix it and make it appear as it was his own.

And one more thing, he defrauded one of the artitst that designed one of the covers of one of his books (don't remember if it was the one for children or other one... the one that does have an original artwork in anycase)
Stepjan makes most of his money thanks to Porn and Prostitution (Pimping) in Croatia

This makes so much sense, although he's a convicted sexual offender and served time as far as I know, the case details are nowhere to be found, and there are no published details, victim testimonials, etc. Probably to protect the victim that was not 100% clean in front of the law. I bet he pimped out student girls who come from different region or country and get hooked on extra money, that's the usual thing here.
This makes so much sense, although he's a convicted sexual offender and served time as far as I know, the case details are nowhere to be found, and there are no published details, victim testimonials, etc. Probably to protect the victim that was not 100% clean in front of the law. I bet he pimped out student girls who come from different region or country and get hooked on extra money, that's the usual thing here.
I do know some of the details of the case from which he was convicted but I can't go into the details here. What I can say is that thru porn and prostitution is how he met his wife.... Imagine that!
- organized a scam HM festival in Zadar in 2005 IIRC, "sold" all the tickets, only the low-ranking bands came, big names just saw through this immediately, mid-rank names such as Therion or Rage came but got scammed. Therion made official news about this on their page

They left a pretty extensive description of the event:

Pretty big fuckup, it seems.

Guys, it's the news we've been waiting for!
On the Brewdog website it has Trooper branding on the side of the can as well,

What are the odds it's just trooper repackaged with Brew Dog having better distribution?
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You almost had me annoyed and wishing for an album instead. I’m back to being content with geting Maiden products shoved down my throat (literally as I’m sure I will chug one at some point). Nice save, srfc.
Yeah, the beer enthusiast side of me is interested in this, don't care about the Maiden logo on the can.