Iommi + Eurovision

I don't normally watch Eurovision, it doesn't even have cheesy comedy value any more
Ugh, don't even get me started on the Eurovision. It's taking place in Malmö this year and people here are so effing into it, you can't look anywhere without seeing references to it. :dancinggeek:
For the first time in ages Holland doesn't send someone decided via a national contest. Now they'll just send a major artist (at least she's overhere).

Anouk (no clue what she'll do but you might know her from this song):
She might win some points for the bra;)

Pre-Eurovision Malmö sounds like Olympic frenzy London last year - absolute overkill
I don't even have a clue who is participating for Germany, and I couldn't care less either.
Could be because I'm not European, BUT... I like Eurovision *runs and hides from the stoning to come.*
Pff, each to his own, I don't give a wet fart for what music others like. Personally, I prefer to listen to music because of the musical value in itself, not for media exposure or image.
I see it as entertainment. Sometimes it's so bad that it can be fun. ;)
If a "good" song comes along then that just happens and I wonder how far it'll get. Just a "game". And not a very serious, or passionate one. If I miss it, no 'kin problem.
Bonnie Tyler is representing the UK. Didn't they have to be total newcomers at one time for this competition? :huh:
Nope, ABBA were in it a few times IIRC, and the UK has had Bucks Fizz and Katrina and the Waves too (?). I believe the only rule is that the song cannot have been released more than a month or something before the competition so that it's still "new". You don't even have to be from the country in question, Celine Dion has represented I think it was Sweden before?

Terry Wogan always added some fun to Eurovision imho, although I think people tended to have a very mixed reaction to him. Some thinking he was the reason to watch and others thinking he ruined it. Most the songs are utterly ridiculous year after year. Ireland I believe started entering deliberately bad songs cos they won it 3 years in a row and it crippled their economy to keep hosting it.

I haven't seen it in years but my take on it is mostly like Foro's, it can be so bad its good.. but I don't really care if I miss it.
The last time I watched it they were glossy and polished rather than hilariously cheesy ;)
Terry Wogan's "let's laugh at other countries" thing was quite popular with some at one time, although Terry Wogan generally makes me want to commit extreme violence at the best of times
I admit that the contest has entertainment value, but anything that makes people wave national flags and cheer for someone purely on merit of their birthplace is suspicious to me.
I admit that the contest has entertainment value, but anything that makes people wave national flags and cheer for someone purely on merit of their birthplace is suspicious to me.
I see what you mean. The voting these days also seems to suffer under "relations" between nations. Especially some Eastern European countries stick feathers (votes) in eachother's asses.
I wasn't talking about the voting, but the idea in general. The same reason why I don't like World Cups or Olympics.
I know. I meant to say that I also see a disadvantage in an international competition.

Watching World Cups and Olympics is exciting to me. Great feeling actually. I guess it's a matter of sympathizing. Watching some kind of sport event is one of the rare moments of feeling more than being an individual doing the everyday things of life. The feeling of not knowing what will happen, wondering what will happen, and hope something happens. Pure surprise and suspense! Great elements in cinema as well. :)

When someone waves a flag, I don't have any other ideas besides thinking of someone who wants his team/athlete to win. If I may ask, what are your ideas behind someone waving a flag in an event of international competition? We're talking music and sports right?