Iced Earth

^That one was unsuccessful!

On a more serious note, he had a neck/back operation last summer, relating to a neck injury he apparently sustained years ago. They cancelled all their summer dates last year, then hinted at a winter tour, but that never materialised. I posted at the time, but I think everyone missed it in amongst a critical appraisal of Plagues of Babylon.
Iced Earth is set to begin the writing process of their 12th studio album in spring 2015. After a short hiatus, (primarily due to founder, chief songwriter, and guitarist Jon Schaffer’s 2nd cervical fusion surgery), the band is planning their schedule for the remainder of the year. Iced Earth fans can expect the next album, tentatively entitled "The Judas Goat", and the subsequent touring cycle to begin in early 2016.

Schaffer comments on his recovery and the direction of the new album, “The recovery after this surgery has been more difficult than the first time around in 2000. Although there have been a few setbacks, I am confident that I’m ready to resume my duties in Iced Earth, directing my full attention to the creative process, production, and touring future of the band.” Schaffer continues, “We are looking forward to songwriting and getting back in the studio. The creative direction of the new album is rife with intense and heavy emotions, as one would expect from an Iced Earth record, as well as a wide variety of lyrical inspirations and themes.” “I am 100% confident that the bond our band has forged in these last several years will shine through in the music. It’s a brotherhood in every way, and the fans will feel that. I couldn’t be more proud of these guys and everything we’ve achieved together.”

Long time drummer Brent Smedley will be returning to the band for the recording and touring of the next album cycle. Smedley had to step down due to personal family reasons in 2013 shortly before the recording of Plagues of Babylon. “We are very pleased to have Brent joining us once again; he’s always been a brother and an important part of the Iced Earth legacy,” says Schaffer.

Iced Earth is sure to please fans from all eras of the band’s illustrious history with this next offering of unadulterated heavy metal.

YES, SMEDLEY IS BACK. (In your face, Mosh! :P)
Goats are metal, hope they don't change it.

Just found this live version of Creator Failure. Never knew this song ever saw the light on stage!
Schwandorf, Germany, 16-6-1995

Love that roaring guitar sound. Barlow rules. :notworthy::bigsurprise::yes::edmetal: Even some black metalish vocals, hehe!
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I hope they continue mixing up the setlist for the next tour; saw them twice and already heard 26 different songs.

I somehow managed to miss Pure Evil both times so I hope they play it here finally.
They played Dracula few times with Stu, so I hope it becomes a staple again.
Also time to bring back Something Wicked Trilogy, Travel In Stygian and Violate, all of which were never played live with Stu.
And maybe dig out Desert Rain which wasn't played in 15 years.
Judas Goat is a terrible title. Just horrifically horribly terribly terrible.

That said, I hope this album is more original than Plagues and more interesting than Dystopia. I like Stu, and I'm glad he's in the band.

Here's to another really cool tour! Iced Earth are always great live, if sometimes a bit boring. Maybe they could open for Sabaton!