Infinite Dreamer
oh yeah, well, um, I... I too get up at ONE AM in uh... uh.. freezing snow! Yeah, that's it, freezing snow and PEE donut shapes as I sing, "time to make the donuts!" and usually wake up Tango, the neighborhood grizzly bear, who comes barreling down growling and grunting which intensifies the rate of my urination and he growls, "the hell are you doing?! Your damn singing doesn't let me sleep!" and I stammer, "uuh, I, um, I'm peeing donut shapes in the snow... like my song says." And he stands up on his hind legs at a towering 7 feet and says, "Why, that's my favorite song!" as he proceeds to outdo me by drafting the most precise pee-donuts this side of Mordor.