I know, Albie really needs to succumb to the strain of peer pressure. You know, he's really been like this his whole life. I remember, gosh, he must've been 7, maybe 8, and we were all out at the mall. So in a fit of boredom we all decide to start licking this car bumper, keep in mind, this was a long time ago.... it was a chrome bumper on a '79 Ford Thunderbird, not like the bumpers of today, no, not at all. Man! and it was summer too, so that chrome was so hot but, I mean, we were all doing it; all of us that is except Albie. We're like, "Come on Albie! This is really quite pleasant.", but HE JUST WOULD NOT DO IT. Talk about being difficult! This girl, I can't remember her name; she's like "Albie! What about Pluto?" and he's like "Yeah, what about it?" So she says, "One day you're going to take your IPOD and not shuffle it and that MF is going to come straight here and blow us to hell man!" By this time we're all looking at her, cause we're all poor and all, and just have cassette players and we're thinking, "This snotty little Bitch! All this time we're fast forwarding and rewinding trying to hit the beginning of songs exactly and she's been holding out on us with technology from the next millennium!" Well Albie is having none of this; he says, "You know, up until now I WAS going to shuffle my songs on my IPOD but you ruined it, you ruined it! I hope Pluto does come and blow us to hell!" I'm just this stupid kid thinking IPOD? What does pancakes have to do with this? And what are they talking about Mickey's dog coming and blowing the hell out of us for? That's not right! Since my mind is so preoccupied with all this nonsense I don't understand, I fail to take my tongue of the bumper of the car and now I have this horrible burn scar there and can't taste a damned thing. Thanks a lot Albie!