The Red and the Black
Ancient Mariner
Without Nicko, Maiden will become 20% better looking overall. Not sure about the sound.
They do their job keeping the beat, but no warmth, feeling and passion in their playing.
If you look up "emotion" on the dictionary it just says "bending guitar strings". Everyone knows no other form of playing or performing music has "soul" or "feeling". It's all just bending on guitars.Ah yes, the ever fleeting "playing with feeling, or passion" (and the problem is always with the performer, never with the listener's ability to connect, or in the case of guitar, playing with emotion is just limited to "bluesy feeling", and everything else is written off as non-emotional playing).
Don’t forget pulling scrunchy faces whilst bending those strings. That is the passion excreting itself from your body as you play…If you look up "emotion" on the dictionary it just says "bending guitar strings". Everyone knows no other form of playing or performing music has "soul" or "feeling". It's all just bending on guitars.
It is a lame, elusive term used to rate, compare or even put down players while very often have no bearing on reality when applies to musicians of professional stature (like Mangini = no feeling, Portnoy = loads of feeling!!). It is also evident by how the "emotion" aspect is always attributed to the player, and not the listener, which in itself is ridiculous. It's the same as that in a conversation between two people, effective communication is dependent on the participants' ability to convey and interpret/understand the meaning of what is being said. In other words, if you're unable to connect to the playing of an undeniably terrific drummer like Tommy Clufetos, the problem perhaps lies at least in part with the recipient.I think it's incredibly funny that we've gotten to the point where somebody vaguely alluding to playing with feel results in others getting upset at the notion, because it implies music isn't just notes on a paper.
Like most things in the world of music, emotion is another word to throw around to denigrate someone and elevate someone else. I mentioned before that I hate the word ‘authenticity’ when it comes to music. Playing with emotion is up there too.It is a lame, elusive term used to rate, compare or even put down players while very often have no bearing on reality when applies to musicians of professional stature (like Mangini = no feeling, Portnoy = loads of feeling!!). It is also evident by how the "emotion" aspect is always attributed to the player, and not the listener, which in itself is ridiculous. It's the same as that in a conversation between two people, effective communication is dependent on the participants' ability to convey and interpret/understand the meaning of what is being said. In other words, if you're unable to connect to the playing of an undeniably terrific drummer like Tommy Clufetos, the problem perhaps lies at least in part with the recipient.
Yngwie Malmsteen is a perfect example. He often gets berated as "playing void of emotion", but there are tons of listeners who disagree. One reason being, "bluesy emotion" isn't the only emotion conveyed by guitar playing (though he has had some of those moments too). His old bassplayer and semi-nemesis once adressed that, and said Ynwie conveys aggression like nobody else described it as "the kind of raging passion of somebody coming at you and scream in your face". And he's right, some of Yngwie's playing certainly comes off as that (his ultra wide vibrato also carries emotional qualities to me anyway). But corksniffers will go "He's just playing fast with no emotion", which is bs (and if you compare him with his copycats, you'll notice how his sense of melody takes you where the copycats don't). What they are really saying is "I can't emotionally connect to what Yngwie is conveying", and thus, the problem with "no feeling" lies with the listener. Now, I think that Yngwie is an awful singer and has written very few good songs in the past 25-30 years, but the dude is undeniably playing with passion and feeling, even if I greatly perfer his style of playing in the 80s compared to now.
I honestly have no expectations regarding the new drummer. Only heard some of British lion with him, he sounds ok. Hope to be proven wrong of course.
But I fear it will be like when Black sabbath replaced Bill Ward with Tommy Clufetos, and when GNR replaced their drummers from Steven Adler/Matt Sorum/Brain to Frank Ferrer. They do their job keeping the beat, but no warmth, feeling and passion in their playing.
True.I dont know what drumkit he'll use but nicko's drumkit its very 80s.