How many years/albums has Iron Maiden got left in them?


If they get as far as - say - The Rolling Stones or Bob Dylan... then that would be 10-15 more years and around 3-5 more albums, yeah?
I don't really see Maiden going for as long as... wait a second, every artist I can think of is a single person.
Is there a band besides the Stones that has existed since the dawn of time?

Anyways, I'll give Maiden five more years. Nicko will be sixty, They'll do the last album and a farewell tour.
MAYBE 7-8 years, to give everyone time to get to 60, and maybe a couple of tours after the album tour.
1 album likely, MAYBE 2 if they crank it out, 5-7 years. Nicko has arthritis and to continue without him would be sad. I just kinda figure that H will go back to playing with Bruce and they'll go on for a while more afterwards
I'd lean towards one album, and maybe 4 tours (TFF, Hits tour, New album tour, farewell tour).

I think Maiden has enough sense to know when to go out on top, I'm not worried about them leaving too late, if anything it will be too early.
Going to agree with the majority here. 5ish years, one album or so. Several tours. I saw Dio with Heaven and Hell last year when he was in his late sixties (I think), and he was great - but their music is slower and less intense. I would hate for Maiden to go on as a shadow of themselves.

On the other hand, it would be hard to see Harris not doing anything. Bruce / H as well.
Mega said:
I don't really see Maiden going for as long as... wait a second, every artist I can think of is a single person.
Is there a band besides the Stones that has existed since the dawn of time?
Golden Earring. As Foro will tell you, the longest lasting band. Been going for longer than the Stones.
p4warrior said:
Going to agree with the majority here. 5ish years, one album or so. Several tours. I saw Dio with Heaven and Hell last year when he was in his late sixties (I think), and he was great - but their music is slower and less intense.

I have to disagree totally. Slower? Less intense? Not when i saw them.

    Anyway back to Maiden, 1 album (if we are lucky) and 3 to 4 tours, tops.
What about the possibility of Maiden releasing 3 or 4 more albums, but not touring for them? I would actually be fine with that just to hear some new Maiden. Or at least Bruce and H making some more solo albums.
wsoul1 said:
I have to disagree totally. Slower? Less intense? Not when i saw them.

    Anyway back to Maiden, 1 album (if we are lucky) and 3 to 4 tours, tops.

Ok, ok, I recant.  One of the best shows I've ever been to.  I'm just saying the material isn't as intrinsically demanding as the coordination and execution of faster songs by a six-piece band like Maiden.  Dio was top-notch.  Also saw them rehearse in Van Nuys as part of a sweepstakes thing.  Some of the nicest guys in the biz.  At the risk of steering this topic way off course, here's a shot I took of Dio from 15' in front of the group.  I'll always treasure that experience!

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
What about the possibility of Maiden releasing 3 or 4 more albums, but not touring for them? I would actually be fine with that just to hear some new Maiden. Or at least Bruce and H making some more solo albums.

:huh: What is the point of making metal music if you do not play it live?  Maiden have always said that they are a live band and their songs fit the live environment best.  I don't think any of them would agree to that any more than touring but not making albums.  Travis, have you seen Maiden live?  That is what they live for.

Personally, if it was a choice between a new album and a gig, I just might go for the gig.
I've seen Maiden live twice and all of their DVD's. Ya, that is true that they live for playing live shows, but I personally enjoy hearing the studio versions of their songs almost as much as seeing them live and if they did decide to make a studio album and not tour for it, I sure wouldn't complain.
Invader said:
Personally, if it was a choice between a new album and a gig, I just might go for the gig.

If they come to Israel in that tour, I vote for it too.
One more album, and a few more tours, The Final Frontier, Hits, New Album, etc. I think Bruce will then continue his solo career after Maiden disband. Make a new album or two, tour, then finally call it quits.
Invader said:
:huh: What is the point of making metal music if you do not play it live?  Maiden have always said that they are a live band and their songs fit the live environment best.  I don't think any of them would agree to that any more than touring but not making albums.  Travis, have you seen Maiden live?  That is what they live for.

Personally, if it was a choice between a new album and a gig, I just might go for the gig.

The Beatles stopped touring not even halfway through their careers, yet pumped out more records... It can be done.