How did you feel when the reunion was announced in 1999?

Don't get me wrong, in hindsight the reunion was absolutely the right thing to do. I just didn't see the point at the time. Even Brave New World was very "meh" to me, and I still rank it among their worst albums. There are absolutely no classics on that album, and overall the songwriting is very mediocre.

I think we can say Blood Brothers is a classic now, based on the facts that it has been brought back for several subsequent tours and that audiences go nuts for it.
Well, I won't argue with that. A lot of people really seem to like Blood Brothers. I was just stating my feelings towards BNW.

No problem, my blood brother! I'm not even saying it's a great song or album (although I like both); I'm just disputing that there are no "classics" on BNW. I guess definition of a classic is subjective.
Yeah, I would definitely argue BNW contains the two sole "modern classics" in Maiden's catalog with Blood Brothers and The Wicker Man. Both are incredibly recognizable tunes that even the more casual fans seem to appreciate, judging by the reactions you get on tour when either one is played. I don't think any of the newer tunes have that same effect. Maybe Dance of Death to a very slight degree in certain markets, but certainly not worldwide or to the same degree as the two BNW tracks.
Maybe Dance of Death to a very slight degree in certain markets, but certainly not worldwide or to the same degree as the two BNW tracks.
I would actually also advocate for Paschendale, and not because of its live status, but because after its release, it became one of the most popular Maiden songs... period. When I was getting into the band, it and The Wicker Man were basically the two main 21st Century songs from Maiden that I heard about everywhere.
I think 'Blood Brothers' is dull.
I was 16 when Virtual XI came out, and I listened to the album quite a bit. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but those were some really good years in my life, so I always associate Virtual XI with all the good things that happen when you're 16 and life is good. Had no problem with the album and still think it's perfectly OK (though not by any means near their best work).

So when Bruce came back I was kinda indifferent. I even saw them on the Ed Hunter tour, but to me the band wasn't all that great that night, and there was a weird sense of just going through old stuff, while Bruce didn't really fit the Blaze era songs all that well, in my opinion. I really didn't understand why they were touring at all, since there was no new stuff to play. It was like they were just trying to pretend Bruce never left and Blaze was never there.

Don't get me wrong, in hindsight the reunion was absolutely the right thing to do. I just didn't see the point at the time. Even Brave New World was very "meh" to me, and I still rank it among their worst albums. There are absolutely no classics on that album, and overall the songwriting is very mediocre. It wasn't until AMOLAD that I really saw them as a band with a future and still relevant in making new, exciting music.
Were you into Maiden before Bruce left though? Actually getting into Maiden first during the Blaze era would put you in a fairly unusual fan category.
Were you into Maiden before Bruce left though? Actually getting into Maiden first during the Blaze era would put you in a fairly unusual fan category.

Yeah, I was into Maiden already around the time Bruce left.

I remember hearing about his departure, then Blaze being announced as the replacement. Had no idea who he was. But then the Man On the Edge single came out, with Judgement Day, Justice of the Peace and (I think) The Edge of Darkness as b-sides. All 4 were great, pretty heavy and Blaze sounded really good. Of course the album was a but different...