Historical Figures 20 Questions

So the summary at the one-quarter point:

Born between Jan 1 1850 and Dec 31 1924 (inclusive). Not an artist, but culturally important.
If we assume that a person's period of important activity is from age 20 to age 70, then we're looking at the years 1870 - 1994.

Let's do some work on location...

Is this person European?
I ask this not as a new question, but as a clarification of a previous answer...

When it was stated that this person was not an artist, was acting considered as an art?
SinisterMinisterX said:
I ask this not as a new question, but as a clarification of a previous answer...

When it was stated that this person was not an artist, was acting considered as an art?

Yes, I considered acting as part of art.  So, this person wasn't an artist in the broadest sense of the term.  They were, however, a cultural figure.
Forostar said:
10. Has this person invented something?

10.  No.

I'd like to issue a clarification to the artist question.  This person was in the loosest form an artist (specifically, an author), but is rarely if ever remembered for that.
Pineapple Hunter said:
Is this person famous for one specific event in history?

12. This person became famous because of many achievements, but is now currently remembered for one big thing mainly.