Historical Figures 20 Questions

Ok, an officer that didn't grad from West Point.... which would have him serving for, at least, a few years before the war.  (I think I read that this war had the first graduating class from West Point)

Was this person a Texan?
Hm.  I found a good page on the Mex-American war, but I don't remember the addy; its on my home 'puter.

14.  Was this person a General during this war?  (at any point during this war)
It sure was Winfield Scott.  He also levied for the execution of British POWs in the War of 1812, created the Anaconda Plan that was used to defeat the CSA in the Civil War, and ran for president against Zachary Taylor in 1848.
Very cool!  I have an Econ test tomorrow, so other than goofing off at work a little, all my spare time is with that... if any one wants to post a question, go for it!  Otherwise, I'll have something late Sat eve.