Historical Figures 20 Questions

Was this person born on/after Jan 1st, 1450?

As an aside, I know this is in the madness forum, but I have learned a ton of info from this one single thread!  GOOD JOB, LC!!
Okay, so we have a 400 year range of births and deaths...let's narrow it down.

Was this person European?
5. According to some sources this person might have done something in that field, but that's absolutely not what this person is known for. So rather no than yes.
6. This person was engaged in political developments but like the previous question: that's not what this person is mostly known for. So again rather no than yes.
Was this person famous for their role in the physical sciences (physics, chemistry, astronomy) compared to natural science?
Is this person famous for a discovery or creating any postulates or theorems within the physical sciences?
Just got home from work, let me join in here...

Born 1450-1649. European, but not English. Scientist (physical not natural). Perhaps minor involvements with arts and politics, but not primarily known for that.

Modern chemistry did not exist in the specified time period (it was still alchemy back then). So the most likely areas are physics and astronomy. And the biggest name from that time period was Galileo Galilei. Let's base the next question on his birth date...

12. Was this person born on or after February 15, 1564?