Historical Figures 20 Questions

Summary so far:

Game 1...
Gamemaster: LooseCannon
Answer: Georgy Zhukov (Soviet general)
Guessed by SinisterMinisterX on question 13

Game 2...
Gamemaster: SinisterMinisterX
Answer: Constantine the Great (Roman Emperor)
Guessed by Perun on question 13

Game 3...
Gamemaster: Perun
Answer: Frederick the Great (Prussian king)
Guessed by LooseCannon on question 14

Game 4...
Gamemaster: LooseCannon
Answer: Wernher von Braun (Rocket scientist)
Guessed by Perun on question 16

Game 5...
Gamemaster: Perun
Answer: Ayatollah Khomeni (Iranian ruler)
Guessed by LooseCannon on question 17

Game 6...
Gamemaster: LooseCannon
Answer: Frederick Douglass (US anti-slavery activist)
Guessed by SinisterMinisterX on question 13

Game 7...
Gamemaster: SinisterMinisterX
Answer: William Shakespeare (Playwright)
Guessed by Forostar on question 14

Cumulative scores:
LooseCannon 2
Perun 2
SinisterMinisterX 2
Forostar 1
Forostar said:
I give the honour to someone else who might like to do it. Wasted? Anyone else? Goodnight!

I'd like to run the game again, if there are no objections.

I have four candidates in mind. The person who asks the first question should select the difficulty level they desire:

Candidate 1: medium
Candidate 2: very difficult
Candidate 3: extremely difficult
Candidate 4: super insanely difficult
5. This is difficult to answer.

During his own lifetime, he was involved with politics. At that time, that is what he was best known for.

Since his death, he has become better known for other pursuits.

He was involved with enough different areas that it's hard to say he had a single prime area of historical contribution.

I warned you this one is extremely difficult... :P
A notice to all: I am changing the rules.

I feel that giving a quote after the 12th question serves no purpose. Just Google the quote and you'll find the answer, unless the quote is so obscure or brief to be of no use at all. I will freely admit that I got the answer in Game 1 (Georgy Zhukov) by simply Googling the quote LooseCannon provided.

Therefore, I will not give a quote from or about the person until after the 19th question. I presume that if we reach that point, someone can Google whatever quote I give and we can have a winner on the 20th question. (Remember that a guess to the person's identity counts as a question!)

This change only applies to me, when I am answering the questions - but I strongly encourage all other persons to adopt the same policy. It will greater preserve the spirit of the 20 questions game - making you ask smart questions and use your own knowledge.
I agree with the rule change.

During this person's political career, at any time were they a Head of State?
Was this person's "secondary" contribution to history artistic in nature (base form of art, music, writing, etc)?
9. Again, difficult to answer...

This person is best known to history through his writings. However, the subjects he wrote about were not usually considered "artistic". He would have considered his writing to be non-fiction.