Historical Figures 20 Questions

North American male, born after Jan 1, 1880...

6.  Was this person mostly known for his military achievements?  (eg.  U.S. Grant was a president, but known more for his military achievements)
SinisterMinisterX said:
Grant was also born well before 1880. Just sayin'. :P

Right--  I didn't mean I thought it was Grant, I was just giving an example. 
6.  Was this person know as a political figure?
7. No.

(Tiny hint of complete inconsequence: he was once offered to be appointed to a ceremonial political office but declined it due to health reasons. This person has no real influence in politics)
Not a question to LC- anyone have any ideas?  I'm tempted to believe it'd be some sort of religious leader, but I can see someone that is educational there also.

8.  Is this person Canadian?
9. No. I will post a hint soon.
Hint time:

This person is involved in culture, not any other field; a major part of a field often considered to be uniquely American.