Historical Figures 20 Questions

Actually, you're close, even without knowing Superstar.

The JCS hint proves it's a person associated with Jesus - not later New Testament like Paul.

And of those people, I think there's only 3 religious figures who aren't Jesus or one of the Twelve.
Lots of other people, but only 3 religious figures. 2 of them are in JCS. I'm looking for the one who isn't.

And it should be noted: I only count a "religious figure" if they would have been recognized as such in their own time. People who got worshipped later like Mary are not religious figures.

John the Baptist?  I saw the play, I don't recall him in there, and he would have to be a 'religious figure in his time' since he baptized Christ.

Edit: foro beat me to it.
Wasted CLV said:
I can't believe I got beat by 26 seconds!! 

36  ;)

The credit goes to my wife who heard the hints, when I was reading them aloud.

Wasted, would you like to take care of the next figure?
If you guys are gonna fight over it, I have someone in mind. I would consider this difficult for some people but who knows.
OK, we've got 3 centuries to work with...

3. Born on or after January 1, 1880?

(The question is designed to isolate people who came to prominence in the 20th century.)