I think they might be struggling with it, yes. But they have 5 days till the next show and then 5 days until Sofia, so they should get proper fucking rested and play the goddamn song.
Trying to make Helloween more appealing to some out here.
"Church Breaks Down"
No one ever knows how evolution goes
The earth is still a plate with emptiness of goals
No matter what you do a priest will suppress your knowledge
The time that passes by makes us recognize
That cross and robe are made not for paradise
Just some odd relics of old worlds dusty mankind
Oh lord is there anyone
Who knows the truth
Of the future and the past
What must we believe
With all our faith
Evolution happens now!
The church breaks down
When science strikes
They played a game
Left crosses in flames
The church breaks down
When science strikes
Deceived us all
Left crosses in flames
Da Vinci was a man back in 1502
A genius on his own who already knew
There must be something more than just the bible
Heretical disease! They called everyone a thief
Who didn't walk the road that put him on his knees
To pray and glorify their holy waters
Oh lord is there anyone
Who knows the truth
Of the future and the past
What must we believe
With all our faith
Evolution happens now!
The church breaks down
When science strikes
They played a game
Left crosses in flames
The church breaks down
When science strikes
Deceived us all
Left crosses in flames
Left crosses in flames
Dies Irae - di meliora (day of wrath - heaven send us better times)
Dies Irae - di meliora (day of wrath - heaven send us better times)
The church breaks down
When science strikes
They played a game
Left crosses in flames
The church breaks down
When science strikes
Deceived us all
Left crosses in flames
The church breaks down
When science strikes
They played a game
Left crosses in flames
The church breaks down, down, down
The church breaks down, down, down
Left crosses in flames
Left crosses in flames
It was an airtight performance by a highly professional band. It was obvious that they put a lot of thought into the distribution of performances among the seven members, and they appeared to be a well-trained team. I realise this sounds rather prosaic, so I would like to stress that I thought the show was entertaining and the band was in great shape. It was clear that Andi Deris and Michael Kiske in particular worked very hard on their joint performance, and this sort of interplay between two singers was definitely something I've never seen before.
The downside is that it made for some very awkward moments. The two have very, very different onstage personalities. Since the two interacted so much, Kiske made Deris' performance seem overblown and ridiculous, while Deris made Kiske look like he didn't give a shit at all. I have the feeling that they wanted to show the audience that the two have no problems with each other, like working together and granting each other their spot in the band, but it just came across as awkward and unsuitable for both. It was especially cringeworthy when they both had a "chat" that made them look like a terrible comedy duo. However, I would like to stress that from a purely technical level, their performances were great and they worked together well.
I think my favourite moment was the medley in which Hansen fronted the band. It felt the most natural to me, and Hansen seemed to enjoy his moment in the spotlight a lot. I also liked how Kiske and Gerstner performed "Blue Suede Shoes". It's probably done every time, but it was done in a way that felt spontaneous and just for the heck of it. I also enjoyed Halloween, A Tale That Wasn't Right and Future World a lot, but I was a bit underwhelmed by Keeper. Somehow this song didn't translate well in this setting to me.
Everybody has commented on the stupid cartoons and all the other flaws of the show, so I'll just leave that, because I don't want to come across as bitter. However, I have to point out that the show was way too long for me, and everyone I talked to. If they had replaced the drum solo with a song and then ended the regular set there, that would have been just fine. I realise that not being a Helloween fan, it doesn't necessarily matter what I have to say about this, but yeah.
Bottom line, I'm not going to become a Helloween fan anymore in this life, but I enjoyed the show and don't regret going.
I loved it. It was everything I hoped for. I've seen videos from almost every show and this one was one of Kiske's best. But it really was a bit too long. Cut out all the cartoons, leave just the video of Ingo's drum solo, don't play Are You Metal and Power, shorten the woah-oh's at the end of Keeper and it would've been much better.
I have mixed feelings about having mixed the London show. On the one hand it sounds like a good show, from what you are all telling. On the other, tt was on a date that did not work particularly well for me and even though I quite like early Helloween, I re-visited the albums not long ago and thought they had not aged that well. Also , Kiske's playback at the first gig was, in my humble opinion, cringeworthy and unprofessional and left a bit of a sour taste.
Cheers guys, glad you liked the show. Cool you prefered the Hansen part @Perun. Me too! Although
How Many Tears
could have been the highlight of the show. Well, he sang there as well.
On the negative sides of a show like this one, I agree with almost everything that was said (although I loved that Ingo/drumsolo thing, probably also for sentimental reasons) but to me this is almost like complaining on aspects of a concert during the Ed Hunter Tour. This was a very refreshing, new experience, that should not have been missed @GhostofCain!
There is lots of Freude with this Helloween comeback, and the rest seems a bit trivial to me. Naturally, with Maiden that changed over the years, I became more and more critical, simply because they kept doing certain things and I expect the same will go for Helloween as well, that is, if they continue for a while with this line-up.
I am sure I would have had fun reminiscing my teenage years at the gig, but other commitments got in the way.
I was lucky enough to see Helloween live in 1996 and 1998 supporting Maiden (to be fair, they wiped the floor with Maiden in 1998) and Gamma Ray support Maiden in 2003, but I somewhat lost interest in their brand of metal years ago. Anyway, it would probably have been a nice trip down memory lane, like the cracking Dirkschneider gig I went to in 2016 playing just Accept classics up to 1986.
Helloween will not soon leave me. For a while perhaps, but it's hard to find a better cocktail. Over the last couple of weeks I've been listening to the whole catalogue -including non-(regular)album tracks- and I'm having a blast. The quantity and quality is immense. This all basically shakes up my memory: damn this music is good. How to beat these riffs, melodies and solos? Also, I've have discovered some strong songs in recent album eras. Over the last 10 years (or more) the albums haven't been that good overall, but if we take bonus songs into account it doesn't have to be that bad, e.g. look at what happened in 2007: Gambling with the Devil came out. I find only 4 songs good but 3 non-album tracks are about at least as good or better!
It's really worthwhile to check all these non-album Helloween songs. A complete overview of the ones that are (very) good, sometimes outstanding:
01. Don't Run for Cover (Michael Kiske / Keeper of the Seven Keys - part II, 1988)
02. You Run with the Pack (Markus Grosskopf / Pink Bubbles Go Ape, 1991)
03. Oriental Journey (Roland Grapow /Chameleon, 1993)
04. Can't Fight Your Desire (Andi Deris / Master of the Rings, 1994)
05. Grapowski's Malmsuite 1001 (in D-doll) (Roland Grapow / Master of the Rings, 1994)
06. Star Invasion (Michael Weikath & Andi Deris / Master of the Rings, 1994)
07. Still I Don't Know (Markus Grosskopf & Andi Deris / The Time of the Oath, 1996)
08. Walk Your Way (Markus Grosskopf / The Time of the Oath, 1996)
09. Back on the Ground (Uli Kusch & Andi Deris / Better Than Raw, 1998)
10. A Game We Shouldn't Play (Andi Deris / Better Than Raw, 1998)
11. Deliver Us From Temptation (Markus Grosskopf & Michael Weikath / The Dark Ride, 2000)
12. We Unite (Markus Grosskopf / Gambling with the Devil, 2007)
13. Find My Freedom (Markus Grosskopf / Gambling with the Devil, 2007)
14. See the Night (Markus Grosskopf / Gambling with the Devil, 2007)
15. Faster We Fall (Markus Grosskopf /7 Sinners, 2010)
16. Another Shot of Life (Markus Grosskopf / Straight Out of Hell, 2012)
17. Free World (Markus Grosskopf /My God-Given Right, 2015)
Look at the amount of Markus Grosskopf! Man, some egos in the band always wanted their shit on the albums rather than his excellent songs. Still, the ever positive dude, and happiest on stage. Respect!
I'd take this collection over lots of output by other bands (Helloween included!), definitely when released in recent times, let's say: this century.
Another thing: I find Pink Bubbles Go Ape more enjoyable than anything done after The Dark Ride. I also discover that Chameleon is probably also more meaningful to be. I despise some songs but others are so damn hauntingly good. When I include the b-sides Oriental Journey and the funny "Introduction", this album has about the same amount of good songs as 21st century albums, and some of these are crown jewels among them.
Did you guys read the wiki description? Interesting and well put:
Tensions within the band and its management resulted in an album that is highly eclectic in terms of its musical aesthetics, to the point that it has been rejected by the band's core audience as not being a Helloween album at all. This position is based on the notion that Helloween (arguably) created but, more importantly, had perfected the power metal sound.
Having failed to live up to the standard of Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 1 and Keeper Of The Seven Keys Part 2 after Pink Bubbles Go Ape in commercial (and somewhat artistic) terms, Chameleon abandoned almost all elements of the power metal sound that the band had been instrumental in creating, and can be seen as an attempt to garner success in wider musical avenues like synthesizers, horns, acoustic guitars, the children's chorus of the Orchester Johann Sebastian Bach, violin, church organ, country music, grunge and swing, with participation of musicians like Stefan Pintev and Axel Bergstedt. The atmosphere of the album is closer to progressive rock, with some pop elements. While some of these elements may have always been a part of Helloween's sound, they were not in the forefront of their sound and were not the elements most celebrated by the bands core heavy metal audience. The song "Giants" has more power metal elements than any other song on the album. Chameleon was the first and last time these diverse influences would make it to the front of the band's sound. In terms of production, this is arguably the most accomplished album of the Michael Kiske era, well produced with an epic sound full of different stylistic influences. The name "Chameleon" is derived from the style change from song to song (as a chameleon changes color).
It would be a challenge to put all albums in order. But after listening for weeks to all this, I might be prepared enough. Also, I am preparing a game for a friend for which I am selecting the best songs for every release. More than 100 Helloween songs will be served and we will take a few months (every time he's here we play a few) to see which are his top 20 (or 25). He is pretty open minded to music but he doesn't know many songs by this band so this could be interesting. The whole thing is an interesting journey for me as well. I'm serving these songs:
A. 1985
Helloween (EP)
Victim of Fate
Cry for Freedom
B. 1985
Walls of Jericho
Walls of Jericho / Ride the Sky
Phantoms of Death
Metal Invaders
Heavy Metal (Is the Law)
How Many Tears
C. 1986
D. 1987
Keeper I
I'm Alive
A Little Time
Twilight of the Gods
A Tale That Wasn't Right
Future World
E. 1988
Keeper II
Eagle Fly Free
You Always Walk Alone
Rise and Fall
Dr. Stein
Save Us
March of Time
I Want Out
Keeper of the Seven Keys
Don't Run for Cover
F. 1991
Pink Bubbles Go Ape
Back on the Streets
Number One
Going Home
Someone's Crying
The Chance
You Run with the Pack
G. 1993
First Time
I Believe
Oriental Journey
H. 1994
Master of the Rings
Sole Survivor
Where the Rain Grows
Perfect Gentleman
Still We Go
Can't Fight Your Desire
Grapowski's Malmsuite 1001 (in D-doll)
Star Invasion
I. 1996
The Time of the Oath
We Burn
Steel Tormentor
Wake Up the Mountain
Before the War
A Million to One
Kings Will Be Kings
Mission Motherland
The Time of the Oath
Still I Don't Know
Walk Your Way
J. 1998
Better Than Raw
Falling Higher
Hey Lord!
I Can
A Handful of Pain
Midnight Sun
Back on the Ground
A Game We Shouldn't Play
K. 2000
The Dark Ride
Mr. Torture
Escalation 666
If I Could Fly
The Departed (Sun Is Going Down)
I Live for Your Pain
We Damn the Night
The Dark Ride
Deliver Us From Temptation
L. 2003
Rabbit Don't Come Easy
Open Your Life
Never Be a Star
Sun 4 the World
Hell Was Made in Heaven
Listen to the Flies
M. 2005
Keeper: The Legacy
The King for a 1000 Years
Pleasure Drone
Silent Rain
Occasion Avenue
My Life for One More Day
N. 2007
Gambling with the Devil
Paint a New World
The Bells of the 7 Hells
Heaven Tells No Lies
We Unite
Find My Freedom
See the Night
O. 2010
7 Sinners
Who Is Mr. Madman
Raise the Noise
World of Fantasy
Faster We Fall
P. 2013
Straight Out of Hell
World of War
Waiting for the Thunder
Church Breaks Down
Another Shot of Life
Q. 2015
My God-Given Right
Lost in America
The Swing of a Fallen World
Creatures in Heaven
Free World
1. Born Free (0:44) 2. Ride the Sky (w/ Walls of Jericho intro) (4:42) 3. Contract Song (11:00) 4. Victim of Fate!! (w/ Frank Beck) (18:52) 5. Enemies of Fun (26:20) 6. Fire and Ice (w/ Clementine Delauney) (35:54) 7. Burning Bridges (44:35) 8. Follow the Sun (49:04) 9. I Want Out (w/ Michael Kiske) (54:54) 10. Future World (1:00:09) 11. All or Nothing (1:05:25) 12. Save Us (w/ Clementine Delauney) (1:11:22)
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